Sunday, December 26, 2010
Does Age Make Any Difference To Bmi

not need any introduction, you Federica "Sister" De Boni frontwoman of the White Skull. The announcement of his return was released by the band leader Captain Tony Mad.Federica is now officially in the band but for the moment still lives in the U.S., his return to Italy final is scheduled for June 2011.
The group meanwhile is already working on writing new songs.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Camel Toe In Ice Skating
There was the time of emptiness ... with de'fronzoli literary triumph.
In 1932 came printed in a collection of Turin volumes, apparently harmless, for work of this Carlo Mascaretti the \u0026lt;dottore bibliotecario> (1855 - 1928, Americo Scarlatti anagram pseudonym) entitled: ET HIC ET AB AB HOC - Curiosity bibliographic , 12 volumes in a collection that has the subtitle "Oddities, quirks, jokes and puns literary" . (At the moment I have only vol. XI).
true lover of books and reading, the Mascaretti dives in search of stories that amaze, without getting caught by the need to exaggerate, but remained more faithful to the sources of things that 'hearsay'.
legend is spontaneously imagine how a thoughtful man aggirantesi between sheets of newspaper, books and essays dusty, frequenter of libraries out of the way, little known, and archives.
his beautiful paragraph in which he rails against Alexandre Dumas, guilty in his opinion that he was a real 'buyer of pens of others', and that he passed as his many books, including , the most famous, 'The Count of Monte Cristo ' (written and conceived by this Pier Angelo Fiorentino, Neapolitan writer of great value, and that worked for him).
But let's get to the theme of the post, and we speak the author:
" securities strange weird books there were in all ages, but the triumph of 'frills of stilts of explosions stupid caccabaldole of literature, we in '600 and '700 , the great centuries of emptiness in all . " This is a time when criticism and theology, for example, seriously disputed whether male or female fish that ate Jonah was the prophet, if Aeneas putting your foot in the territory Latin had advanced before the right or left, if the tree under which rested the Holy Family fleeing to Egypt was a palm tree or an elder, and if angels, going from place to place, they walk a straight line or curve like the birds .
" Among the many dissertations at the 'Academy of hypochondriacs Reggio Emilia in 1752 are: If you can specify the number of languages \u200b\u200bthat arose from the confusion of Babel, and if Adam and Eve from Paradise virgins come out. "
But let's titles ...
There is such a " De Lemene that sends out a poem on the descent and nobility of macaroni , who delights in a Arisi dithyrambic Hold on tobacco chewed and smoked , a Martin that Schook you chill with Panegyrics butter and herring .
" In all these books - comments Mascaretti -" the strangeness of the securities is a consequence of the strangeness of the subjects treated in them, but also in the books called serious queer titles abound, even in the age to which I have mentioned, are common onninamente .
We come then to the "Scope to purge the language of Cornelius Loos, the Three fountains on the grammar , the matches to light of divine love, human hearts , the hours for travelers heading to Paradise , the syringe constipated souls in spiritual devotion , and even spiritual Tobacco to the sneeze devout souls to the Savior (Como 1683). This snuff-box, instead of being divided into chapters and paragraphs, is divided into many taken and sneezing ....".
" Despite the changed times, the mania of the title 'effective' still continues and even goes so far that in translations of foreign literary works, when the original title is not a word in our language corresponds, instead of leaving it as such, he often adopts a more 'sensational': the Cure Emile Zola was named in his various Italian translations of the Cockaigne, the Hunting the millions and even Orgies golden .. The Conque de Plassans , more and Zola, was in a translation that was published in Naples Invasion of the priest! , while one of the best novels of Maxim Gorky, whom he wanted simply titled with the name of the protagonist Thomas Gordeieff in Library Amena Treves of Milan has become the publisher: Life is nonsense! .
Mascaretti writes again: "For a poet , a novelist, a playwright, the author of any book of pleasant literature, who founded a new journal, as well as a musician, a painter or a sculptor, the title sometimes becomes something feverish, of haunting, and in the end you see then come out titles extravagant crazy. "
not now certain titles that are in the library are not ridiculous, but it is hard to match these peaks seventeenth and eighteenth century, many centuries in which 'scholars' rather than intellectual, let's face it, they had nothing better to do than dabble in' funny things', and 'what funny ', no doubt, is that for them these were' terribly serious'.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How Much Spent On Catering On Average

The CHILDREN OF BODOM will release their new album "Relentless Reckless Forever" on 8 March 2011 on Universal Music.
in Finland at the Petrax Studios with producer Matt Hyde (Slayer, Monster Magnet), is the seventh album by the group's career.
Relentless Reckless Forever track listing:
01. Not My Funeral
02. Shovel Knockout
03. Roundtrip to Hell and Back
04. Miss Suicide
Pussyfoot 05. Relentless
Reckless Forever 06. Ugly
07. Cry of the Nihilist
08. Was It Worth It?
09. Northpole Throwdown
10. Party All the Time (Eddie Murphy cover)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Camshaft Position Sensor Location Cadillac

Sean Tibbets, Kamelot bassist is joined by an all-star death metal band: The Evil Amidst the
, which we provide training:
* Gus Rios (Malevolent Creation) - Drums * Thurs
Gerace (Malevolent Creation) - Guitar * Lenny
Warmbrandt (HATEPLOW) - Vocals *
Xaphan (KULT OF AZAZEL) - Guitar
The band has just released debut album, "Lords of the Nine," but Sean assured the Kam-fans:
mother will not leave the band, but will be divided between one or the other.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Extreme Iron Deficiency

This biography, the first to have been written about him, recounting his life from childhood, through adolescence, spent continuously play the guitar in his room and stages of clubs all over Texas, the worldwide success with Pantera, and the desire to restart to split everything with Damageplan, always with his brother Vinnie.
Until the tragic day that saw him die prematurely during a concert.
"The day of the death of Darrell was the rock of Sept. 11.
also died that day a part of us. "David Draiman (Disturbed)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What Is Your Cervical Mucus Like Just

The Massacre Records will release, on 7 January," Descent Into Chaos ", the new album from German thrashers Legion Of The Damned.
The album was recorded at Abyss Studios Pärlby, Sweden, from producer Peter Tägtgren, who also participated as host, the bonus track of the CD, "Legion of the Damned," which appears on the limited edition album.
"Descent Into Chaos" track listing
01. Descent Into Chaos
02. Night Of The Sabbath
03. War In My Blood
04. Shrapnel Rain
05. Holy Blood, Holy War
06. Killzone
07. Lord Of The Files
08. Desolation Empire
09. The Hand Of Darkness
10. Repossessed
11. Legion Of The Damned (feat. Peter Tägtgren)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Red Bumps Back Throat
Symfonia. . .

Birth of a new supergroup with ex-members by name Symfonia Stratovarius, Angra, Helloween and Sonata Arctica, here's the line up of this super band:
André Matos (ANGRA, SHAAMAN, VIPER) - Item
Jari Kainulainen (STRATOVARIUS, EVERGREY) - Low
Mikko Harkin (Sonata Arctica, Kotipelto) - Keyboards
According to their official website the band will debut next February 18th at Finnish Metal Expo when they should begin in these days of recording the album is slated for next spring.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Jcpenney Beauty Parlor
Tiffany Grantath Husband
ORBI ALL! "Introduction to the History of Human Stupidity" by Walter B. Pitkin, Fourth Edition. Milan, Bompiani Ed, 1947
The series "Adventures of thought " was strongly supported by Valentino Bompiani , and an enclosed space and time that went from 1933 to 1968, contemplating the authors of merit and of various nationalities, with themes of science, medicine, biology, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, psychology, philosophy, sociology.
Walter Boughton Pitkin (born in 1878 in Michigan, died in 1953 in California) was an American reader of philosophy and psychology at Columbia University and a professor at Columbia University School of Journalism (1912-43). He wrote some essays as Life Begins at 40 (New York, 1932) and The Psychology of Happiness . His essay A Short Introduction to the History of Human Stupidity (1932) was translated into 15 languages, including Italian, so ... here we are.
Divertentissimo read this' Introduction to the History of Human Stupidity ', a text full of clever ideas, curious anecdotes of actual events, politics, everyday life, in human history.
" Here we are, in this year of grace 1934, owners of the land and air, fire and water " but " humanity hangs on the brink of an abyss from which it can not escape unless you choose a good time to do the analysis of their failings . " The world rolls inexorably toward utopia: good and bad will be the first to suffer " . (continued)
Walter Pitkin uses 300 pages to " demonstrate that human stupidity is the foremost of the social ills " and there are three factors that classify :
1) " the number of fools is infinite .
2) " power, as in the finance business, in diplomacy as in politics, is almost entirely in the hands of people more or less stupid. "
3) " in individual capacity often goes hand in hand with a solemn stupidity, but the curious thing is that this one shines while hiding in the shadows .
" I believe that at least three out of four members of our species are stupid enough, and it is amazing the number of those who were raised to dignity, especially in politics . " One million suckers , settled in armchairs presidential , have neutralized for years - and never so obviously as in 'last decade - the influence of senior creative thinkers ". ( And the prof. Pitkin refers to the years after World War 1, having published the paper only 1932; if he had seen the other future 'suckers' would certainly changed his mind .. # noncèfinealpeggio ).
Funny when he writes: " while going to the press on Chapter I of my essay, so here Hoover (ns the Tremonti, I suppose ) ensure the Chambers of Commerce that all economic problems are a thing of the past , and CIO 'on the eve of the worst financial meltdown of this generation, of 1929. " And again:
" here to denounce the Department of Agriculture a sinister plot in which the Soviets are hoping to ruin the American farmers selling off the wheat market in Chicago ; here Americans collectively spend annually on cigarettes no less than they spend on the education of children, here is advocating the Cardinal Hayes sale of wine and beer to make the poor soul affected by the crisis ; Chicago here penniless again suspend the wages to the police and firemen ; here is such a Gubo John, enraged at not pulling his pipe, put on tobacco a few drops of petrol, to perish in the fire that destroyed her cabin ; here are the New York bankers continue to lend to cities, states and societies in Brazil, reaching a sum whose interests may have to be accurate one day to the sound of tear gas grenades, because Brazil has suspended payments before we went to the press "
" here Hitler draw up a list of German patriots whose heads should be cut off soon he will rise to power: and that of Einstein will be the first to roll in the basket ; here Raymond Duncan, in his enthusiasm for Gandhi , drag in toga and sandals at the Central Library of New York to the Battery, with ladle and bucket in hand, spreading water and salt in a show of solidarity with Hindus ; here is the daily press to give publicity to the fortune tellers, clairvoyants and to pythonesses ; here is the Federal Agricultural Committee recommend to the Governors of the Southern states to bury one third of the harvest of fifteen million bales of cotton ; here Ford (ns the Marchionne .. ) issue 's ukase (l' ukase in Imperial Russia was a dictate of the tsar, the government or a religious leader who had the force of law - Wikipedia ) : \u0026lt; Who does not cultivate his garden does not eat > , to force its workers to adapt to its near-perfect program ; here diorama released by the Federal Reserve Board that the gold reserves of the United States affect half the gold in the world at the same time when the British stop using it, overflowing the Japanese in Manchuria, the million Chinese die in floods and hundreds of banks suspend payments "... and last but not least:" here is a judge who serves a rich thug of the crime of bribery and condemning at the same time suborn , and five transparencies genes criminals engaged a lawyer in New York, are not subject to the minimum censorship never .
And this is just an excerpt of a small part of the prologue.
Pitkin strives to investigate the causes of human stupidity going back to prehistoric times ( archeoscope of infection) to the future situation ( Telescope infection). And then called Introduction to the History of Human Stupidity;).
Duclos, a philosopher who lived among the precursors of the French Revolution, along with Diderot, Buffon, Helvetius , used to say, speaking of a fool, "he is the penultimate of stupid, "and when questioned about why that second-last, he replied:" not to discourage anyone .
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Maximum Wattage For Light Fixture
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tensioned Shower Curtain Wire

Legends of Metal Canadian Anvil entered the studios in Studio 606 owned by Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) in Northridge (California) to begin recording their new album "Juggernaut Of Justice" in early 2011 for that Scirè The End Records.
Alongside the band's producer Bob Marlette, who have previously worked with Alice Cooper, Slayer, and many others Airborune
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What Gold Vials Used For
The 'Man Who Laughs .. not to cry poverty and much of his humanity.
I recently found out just a bit 'more seriously, Monsieur Hugo ( better late than never ), and more precisely his The Man Who Laughs . And I also discovered (again mtcm) that in 1940 the writer Bill Finger and Bob Kane comic artist used the picture that the German actor Conrad Veidt gave the main character in the novel 'The Man Who Laughs ' by Victor Hugo, this Gwynplaine, as inspiration for creating Joker, a worthy adversary of Batman. The similarity between Gwynplaine and The Joker is just visual, the two sides have no other similar, indeed, I would definitely disagree.
I had never been interested in the text Man Laughing , but passing an average of ten times a day (holy cabinet of mom), I opened it, standing, thinking I would put back where it was.
But with a starting so ... " Ursus and Homo were close friends: Ursus was a man, Homo was a wolf. Their inclination was granted . ... What to say .... frigate.
Ursus and Homo are living in hardship and popular entertainment complementing each other, Ursus is a bit 'all primarily misanthrope, then juggler, ventriloquist, fortune teller, doctor improvised .. \u0026lt;. .> "The truth is that Ursus was a saccentone, a man of taste and an old Latin poet; \u0026lt;...> From his familiarity with the venerable rhythm and meter of the ancient houses, made of their images and a series of classical metaphors. He said a mother preceded by his two daughters, is a typist ; a father followed by his two sons, is a anapaest , and trotting in the midst of a child to his grandfather and grandmother, is a anfimacro . A lot of science could not land hunger . \u0026lt;...> ( then as now ).
Ursus and Homo save a boy and a girl. Both physical characteristics are well defined: the first, Gwynplaine, with a stiffness constant that leads him to face always looks with the rice, the second Dea, blind. The four no longer leave and work together as acrobats. As long as Gwynplaine, the man who laughs, turns out to be member of the English aristocracy and you must return.
The false world, narrow, closed aristocratic throws him into a deep despair [\u0026lt;...> In the destiny of every man can be an end of the world made just for him. It's called desperation. The soul is full of shooting stars . \u0026lt;...>], much that will do everything to return to his real world, Ursus, by Homo, by Dea. \u0026lt;...> One woman on earth saw Gwynplaine. And it was that blind . \u0026lt;...> ------- ------- Victor Hugo wrote The Man Who Laughs in 1848, in exile and published only in 1869. He was exiled for having ceased to support the future emperor, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, who had taken anti-liberal measures such as reduction of one third of those entitled to vote; Hugo, defender of a liberal regime , it begins to attack him and the whole aristocracy with writings and speeches against the repression, which became gradually more and more intolerant. So Hugo speaks through his Gwynplaine \u0026lt;...> The man is an amputee. What has been done to me, was done to mankind. They've distorted the law, justice, truth, reason, intelligence, like me your eyes, nostrils and ears. Like me, the heart was placed in a cesspool of anger and pain on his face a mask of contentment. \u0026lt;...>
-------------------------------- ---------------------
Looking at the biography of Victor Hugo , I had the 'hunger' to read its social and political writings, speeches and personal opinions on major current issues ( so different from ours? ). Most of these can be found grouped in the acts and words :
- against child labor (speech to the Chambre des pairs, 1847);
- against poverty (July 9, 1849);
- on the status of women in (at funerals George Sand, June 10, 1876);
- against religious education and in favor of free and secular school (Speech about the education law, January 15, 1850);
- in favor of peace and unity of Europe Federal (at the opening of the Congress of Peace, August 21, 1849);
- in favor of universal suffrage.
Victor Hugo has also expressed - although to a lesser extent - on colonization of Algeria, the main colonial adventure of France in those years. If it is sensitive to the discourse of colonization as a civilizing, remains skeptical about the ability of the civilizing military pacification, and identifies nell'Algeria earned a place used to deport those who opposed the coup of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
do not know what I'd give to be able to just browse and Parole Acts But the web does not help me in research. And I do not think tomorrow to find them among the best sellers at the bookstore. Ergo, I'll try the library, and if anyone ever had there ... I'm here!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Ideas For 15th Birthday In February

"Lemmy", the documentary on Motorhead mainman , will make its debut at the London Film Festival October 23, only to be released Jan. 24 by Entertainment One.
The directors Greg Olliver and Wes Orshoski spent three Lemmy years to follow around the world - from his home in Hollywood down to hockey arenas in Russia.
"Lemmy" features appearances by distinguished colleagues such as Metallica, Dave Grohl, Ozzy Osbourne, Slash, Billy Bob Thornton and wrestler Triple H.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Selling Homemade Beauty Products In Maine

upcoming release of new album from German thrashers Sodom out next November 22.
"In War And Pieces" tracklist:
01. In War And Pieces
02. Hellfire
03. Through Toxic Veins
04. Nothing More Than Blood Counts
05. Storm Raging Up
06. Feigned Death Throes
07. Soul Contraband
08. God Bless You
09. The Art Of Killing Poetry
10. Knarrenheinz
11. Styptic Parasite
Monday, October 4, 2010
Play Club Penguin And Poptropica
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Australian Nylon Feet

The Finnish band is continuing the "Summer Camp" for the recording sessions of the successor of "Dark Passion Play", the rest of the band reunited for two months in a cottage nestled in the woods of Finland, joined the singer Annette Olzon to record the first vocals.
The work should be completed in the spring and the disc will probably light in the second half of 2011.
It is rumored that in Finland, a recent survey ever see as true the former singer of Nightwish Singer Tarja Trurunen. . .
I wonder 'what they will think' Thuomas!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Outdoor Brick Oven Blueprint
"As long as we are 'mad' we shall live." Excerpts from the book "Fundamentals, not ornaments" by GB Angels, a dreamer of a Europe united literary and cultural in the '60s.
antiques market at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, I happened to find in the first issue of a bimonthly magazine, "Literary Europe", published in January 1960. The text contained therein are so many amazing authors and prominent Italian and foreign (Vigorelli, Brecht, Quasimodo, Durrell, Piovene, Lawrence ....). These include an essay on pg. 45, I will use this to open my blog, because now more than ever it seems to me useful, despite saddens me to think our Europe today, and why it seems to me to be a poster of a part of my thinking : "Fundamentals, not ornaments" of GB Angels (Angels was an important figure in the landscape literary and social, like many, unjustly forgotten; see a nice article published last year in the Corriere della Sera
Note: Any humble considerations of bloggers ( I am, I am! ) will be placed in the middle of the text with the green color hope .
Excerpts from "Basic, no ornaments" :
\u0026lt;...> the multiplicity and coexistence of styles, ideas, schools, theories, systems distinguish Europe from other continents; and the decline of Europe, we would see the NOT already in the apparent anarchy of minds, as many believe conformists, but in the disciplined acceptance of uniformity. long as we are 'mad' we viv i! And we can not even conceive of a European culture that at one time of his arrest history is satisfied. \u0026lt;...>
\u0026lt;...> Europe that lived without work to go beyond itself, without creating a new and different, would not represent anything, and only lose prestige that still requires a certain respect to non- Europe. In truth we do not do more to fear anyone, neither as a military power, nor as an economic power, or diplomatic, or demographic. But who could UMIL, SE spoke in the language of culture? We must insist in saying that the only forces capable of defending ourselves are now the poetry, art, philosophy, scientific thought . The trend that many antifilosofica antiletteraria and exalt today is, in our opinion, a real suicide ( and this is now more alive than ever ) . We would probably give up our own 'weapons': peaceful weapons weapons wonderful that we have invented? But if you just slow down the rhythm of creation, of discovery, invention, what could still save us?
policy not save us, because a policy not nourished by the thought did not matter at all, is a policy of cunning and intrigue, of hypocrisy and compromise, which falls apart at first impact of ideology. There will save the economic well-being because wealth for wealth and income for the gain lead to social formations and ignoble also easy to destroy. There will save even a late union of our countries in a federal, because this solidarity, if arise from the fear and concern immediate , lacks the Moral conscience that is only by love and persuasion (I dare not imagine what would he think Angels in front so that today's united Europe ).
I've always been a convinced European . But I would be prepared to abandon the ideal of a united Europe, if such a union would be based solely on political and economic factors . \u0026lt;...> Union based on the technique and affairs inevitably lead to adverse culture whenever it threatens the development of markets, and culture, to survive, would eventually take a passive attitude, of ' permanent availability 'and obedience. But this is our Europe? ( and after 50 years after that question the answer would be, in essence, yes. Aaaarrrghhh! ).
\u0026lt;...> The primacy of political and economy, for people such authority, is sacred. And men of great responsibility insist always to consider the literature, art, philosophy as mere ornaments of the spirit, or rather suspect that they are the cornerstones of our past history and, again, in this ( and now more than ever ..).
Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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