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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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Magazines Saint Paul: after 85 years 'ilGiornalino' change graphics

During the 85 years since the foundation, "the magazine" Magazine of the San Paolo is renewed and change graphics. Singular event in publishing for children, "the Newspaper" is the longest running weekly in Europe and in Italy only for boys and girls aged 7 to 14 years. In keeping with our mission to educate fun, "says the editor, the magazine" keeps the formula that combines information, training and entertainment, focusing even more strongly to the two main "pillars" of the newspaper "or" the Italian comic quality and journalism for young people. " Each issue the supplement free attachment "Knowing together "will explore the world of knowledge, with an eye to the school and an animation and the laboratory. The renovation will involve all sections of the chart weekly, starting from the logo and the underlying claim contained in a "balloon". The shape of the logo will be repeated in the headers of the headings as "trademark", even where the graphics are already very clear differentiation. Info: / Thu . (Sir)

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The drift of religious terrorism 'DIY' polluter that reality and reason

An incident like the attack occurred Monday before the gate of the barracks to Piazzale Santa Barbara Perrucchetti in Milan by one person - the present state of investigations - Seems to have acted outside of any terrorist organization is a need for a thorough review. It can not not affect the ability of Islamic fundamentalism to work on disconnections and loss of the subject, on his personal crises. There can be no question on such a logic, which addresses the personal depressive spiral in liberating gesture of suicide terrorism, transforming the disconnection of life in a laceration of the body, the faint bitterness in private religious ideology and depression in suicidal militant gesture. Such an ability to work on the crisis and the conscience of the individual fractures, breaks the logic of organized militant terrorism. The possibility of food terrorism "DIY", which is processed from a drift and staff that addresses the spiraling depression of a single suicide in the act, is directly mirrored in a drift-type specific religious fundamentalist. Wonder how such a deviation has been powered by two types of misunderstandings. The first is a political and tends to include the act of terror in the categories of political struggle, as carried out with aberrant and immoral means. The second is a cultural and tends to place the suicidal act in a particular form of religion is derived, to which he gave himself the subject and which would ultimately be "acting." The two aspects are mutually supportive: the act political support of his finds inconclusive in religious belief, while the latter, in turn, finds in the end a kind of political legitimacy of operation, together with the illusion of being in some way, the practical question. In fact religions have never drift of reason, but analysis of the realities that are quite reasonable, however, based on assessments and knowledge errate.L 'Piazzale Perrucchetti bomber did not act under the influence of its representations, but as a result of an incorrect analysis of reality and as a result of subscribing to a religion that follows gives the inner pain and the possibility of liberating gesture consecrating. The problem therefore lies in the possibility of recruiting and proper to make incorrect assumptions, in order to get the real facts exist and to explain to themselves their depression as a result of oppression. Both the analysis of reality, as the drift that religious claims are not based on representations, therefore, more or less fantastic reality, but on reading keys wrong on manifest errors of assessment. The paradox is the possibility of such errors can reproduce and flourish in society, taking advantage of a real "free zone" of Western culture that sees religion as something detached and antithetical to reason. Cultural relativism, which disconnects the religion of reason, paradoxically, with the ends to produce a kind of uncritical silence on every discharge from the right, when in fact it is precisely the opposite that is needed. (IlSussidiario)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

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The Nobel Obama and relations with the Vatican, according to Miguel Diaz and Father Lombardi

"We are delighted - he told Vatican Radio Miguel Diaz, the new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See - to this very important honor. Have been granted to the President's efforts to build understanding between peoples, as he expressed in his address to the Muslim peoples in Cairo, in the course of his travels and speeches and other initiatives. I think the committee has acknowledged its commitment to the elimination of nuclear weapons. "
On the influence of this award will be in relations between the Vatican and the White House, the ambassador said: "As I said, I believe that the Holy See, said the Pope in the conversation I had with him last Friday at the presentation of my credentials, the abolition of nuclear weapons is a challenge to which we must work together. " "As an ambassador of the United States - has added yet - I am deeply honored by the prize awarded to President Obama and we hope that this award will support us in our commitment to cooperation between nations and all people of good will ', so that with their words and actions will succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons. " So Diaz
commenting on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Barack Obama.
Then came the words of Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi: "The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama is greeted with appreciation at the Vatican in the light of the commitment shown by the President for the promotion of peace in the international arena, and in particular also recently in favor of nuclear disarmament. " And again: "It is hoped that this very important recognition will further encourage such efforts difficult but crucial to the future of humanity, that we may bring the desired results."
As for the Vatican-US relations and the common commitment that even in the wake of the Nobel delivery will hopefully continue in the field of cooperation between peoples, would be better not say anything. Come on ... (PaoloRodari)

Friday, October 9, 2009

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Axe Bishop on Obama. And the Vatican curia

In a bombshell article published in Rome, the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput criticizes the American president and the men of the Church that the hail, the head of the curia, Cardinal Cottier. But the Vatican secretariat of state comes under fire.

by Sandro Magister ROMA, October 8, 2009 - "always will defend vigorously the right of bishops to criticize me," he assured the eve of Barack Obama by he had with Benedict XVI last 10 luglio.Infatti. I am eighty Catholic bishops of the United States in open disagreement with him on key issues, primarily the defense of life. Among them is Cardinal Francis George, president of the Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Chicago, the city of Obama.E there is also the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, 65, of Prairie Band Potawat Indian tribes, the Capuchin Franciscan order, the author of a book a year ago that since the title says a lot: "Render unto Caesar. Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life" . It is fair to give to Caesar what belongs to him. But it serves the nation by living his Catholic faith in life politica.A Chaput does not like the way to Rome, the Vatican, put the mute criticism of the American Church to Obama. Not liked, in particular, the wild hosannas raised to U.S. president last July - to coincide with Obama's meeting with the pope - a venerable Cardinal of the Curia, the Swiss Georges Cottier, theologian emeritus of the pontifical household, with an article magazine "30 Days." "30 Days" is a journal of geopolitics ecclesiastical widely read in the Roman curia. It is directed by the more "curial" the long-running Italian Catholic politicians, Senator for life Giulio Andreotti. It reaches all the dioceses in six languages \u200b\u200bof the world and fully reflects the realistic policy of diplomacy vaticana.Letto Article Cardinal Cottier thrilled - especially thrilled with the speech given by Obama at the Catholic University of Notre Dame - and read before that a former editor of L'Osservatore Romano also very appreciative of the first hundred days of the American president even "on support of motherhood, "Chaput ribattere.Ha felt compelled to put pen to paper and responded in kind. For Obama, Cardinal Cottier and the Vatican secretariat of state. And not in an American newspaper but in a newspaper printed in Rome because the Vatican has come out veda.La its reply on October 6 on "Film," the newspaper of opinion, directed by Giuliano Ferrara, not a Catholic but decidedly "Ratzinger" very careful the public role of religioni.L 'article in the bishop of Denver has occupied the entire third page, under the title: "The bishop of the Indian ax. Charles J. Chaput against Notre Dame and the illustrious Cardinal seduced by abortion Obama" . The text is reproduced below with the original title, in the Italian translation of Aldo peak "il Foglio." The same October 6, the front page, the "Worksheet" also published an interview with Cardinal George, in those days in Rome to present his new book titled "God Makes The Difference. A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture [The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture]." In the interview, the cardinal said, among other things: "Today the major difficulty that we as a Church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values. Take the issue of abortion and life in general. The Church's voice is heard in the U.S., but it is also opposed. And the criticisms of the Church take place for one reason: because our society believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. The agency today is better than life. "And again:" The moral of the Church on some issues has not changed. 'L'Osservatore Romano' - is true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms the current U.S. administration, but are beyond the journalistic point is one: the Church can not betray herself. "

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U.S. - Cardinal Daniel DiNardo held the sermon to the 'red mass' and betrays the expectations

The 60 year old American Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, was created cardinal by Pope Benedict directly XVI November 24, 2007. Before him, never leading the Texas diocese had been granted the privilege of the red hat. A sign of the esteem that the Pope has for the cardinal. DiNardo, in fact, represents a model similar to pastor As the Pope wants the bishops of his church, a bishop can capture those far to Catholicism and those who have lost faith in the street. Since he is in Galveston-Houston, the number of practicing Catholics has skyrocketed, and it is not indifferent to those who, like Pope Ratzinger, clearly includes the dynamics of American religious market. DiNardo is also a bishop who, in the wake many of his fellow Americans, strongly defends the voice of the church in the public arena. Sure, it's the American model of secularism positive to benefit you in this exercise. But it is also he who moves back into play when there are moral principles and values \u200b\u200bon which no such retrocedere.Un DiNardo gave it last Sunday at the annual meeting in Washington called the red mass. It 's the Catholic Mass that some of the American purple (red cap, hence the "red mass ") to celebrate the country's lawyers to mo 'inauguration of the judicial year. On Sunday, the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, DiNardo gave a long sermon, words pregnant with meaning because four days passed before the Supreme Court opened the trial in the case of Salazar v. Good exposure on the constitutionality of the Cross Catholic in the Mojave National Reserve. DiNardo has given the line of what, for the hierarchy of the church, the work of those working in the legal field should not ignore. To listen to the cream of the country. Supreme Court were Sonia Sotomayor, John Roberts Jr., Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito (all Catholic) and Stephen Breyer (Jewish religion). With them, along with many other professionals including judges and lawyers, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary for Home Affairs Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation Ray LaHood and chairman of the Republican National Committee and outside the cathedral Michael Steele.SarĂ  c 'were different expressions of prolife activists, ethical issues that will always heat up the passions of Americans (now the Osservatore Romano cites a poll by the Pew Forum that the U.S. reduces the number of abortions), the fact is that DiNardo did not disappoint expectations by asking, first of all, that judges and lawyers in their work take account the rights of all their customers, even "those who because of abortion could not come to light." These are the "customers without a voice" that the cardinal has asked not to be forgotten. And again he asked: "How dare receive Communion with the blood of unborn babies in your hands?". So the reference to the enhancement of faith and the demands of believers in public life. A reminder - the other day - somehow endorsed by the court during the trial Salazar v. Good. Justice Scalia spoke in favor of the cross as California may represent the dead of all religions. The cross was placed in the park California in 1934 for a perpetual memory of the fallen of the First World War. Frank Buono, a superintendent of the park, has sought the removal because it undermines the First Amendment to the Constitution, one dedicated to freedom of religion, press and speech. Salazar's lawyers argue the opposite, and the day before yesterday, he also argued Scalia. It 's still early to say how it will end, but in the U.S. than elsewhere is that instances of the church may not remain unheard. (PaoloRodari-ilFoglio)

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Pope Abu Mazen, "the rights of all are respected"

solution "just and lasting settlement" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which are "recognized and respected the rights of all." Built in yesterday's support - At meetings with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Foreign Minister Franco Frattini - the Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas returned to Ramallah after finding the attention of Pope Benedict XVI to answer the question mediorientale.L 'hearing with the Pontiff, a fifteen-minute meeting behind closed doors in the library of the Apostolic Palace, closing a three-day visit of Fatah leaders who also met the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, and the chairman of the House, Gianfranco Fini. "Welcome Mr. President," are the words with which Benedict XVI, left the hall of the synod is ongoing in the assembly of African bishops, welcomed Abu Mazen (Mahmud Abbas), before announcing the outcome of the meetings that the President of the PNA had in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama. During the interview, then continued in private, "has opened a dialogue on the Middle East" after recalling the recent visit of Benedict XVI in the Holy Land, and it is emphasized, as stated in the statement issued by the Holy See the importance of "cooperation and mutual respect between the parties, in addition to the" international community's support. " But the two also addressed the situation of Catholics in Palestine, "and more generally in the region." Just less than a month ago, the Pope, after his meeting with the Patriarchs East, announced the convocation of a special synod of bishops in the Middle East, which will be held 10 to 24 October 2010. In a gift to Pope Benedict XVI, Abu Mazen has brought a tiled with the image of ancient Jerusalem, on which stands the inscription 'Jerusalem the Arab Cultural Capital, received by the Pope in pewter and ceramic reproduction of St. Peter. Before leaving the Vatican, the Palestinian Authority President presented the Pope with his entourage to which he belonged, among others, the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, commenting that he had "a very important job to do." (Future)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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Holy Shroud - A copy of the scientists is Cicap a fake. Here the evidence against Obama

In reference to Article of 5/10/2009 La Repubblica, "Shroud - is a medieval fake. Here's proof "is no surprise for the statements made therein without scientific rigor. Every so often a person trying to get notoriety in the media claiming to have reproduced the shroud or a part of it, but when it explores the discourse falls on stage. " It is possible to reproduce some macroscopic features of the Shroud, but it is extremely difficult to reproduce the microscopic features of the body image printed therein. Nobody, not even with the current state of the art technology, has so far been able to reproduce all these features together very special. Even an article published on behalf of 24 scholars on the Internet ( / pdfs / doclist.pdf) shows the current inability to reproduce all the features of the most important relic of Christianity. In particular in
concerned, Dr. Garlaschelli says nothing about the depth of color, which is very thin (one-fifth of one thousandth of a millimeter) in the case of the Shroud image and it is virtually impossible to play through that depth substances chemicals used by Dr. Garlaschelli. However, if Dr.
Garlaschelli had actually found a way to reproduce something similar to the Shroud, he would have to screen the community its scientific results before exposing them to an audience unable to perform detailed laboratory testing, such as microscopic analysis to remove any doubt about the deep submicron staining.
The undersigned has publicly launched a "Porta a Porta" a scientific challenge by declaring that the Shroud is not reproducible and was ready to change his mind as soon as someone had given him the opportunity to study similsindonici samples to be analyzed with the tools.
ENEA Frascati years studying how to replicate some features of the body and obtained encouraging results using excimer laser (Baldacchini G. et al. article published in the prestigious U.S. scientific journal Applied Optics on 18-3-2008), but the road is long before you can get something of the same body image of the Shroud.
University of Padova are ongoing experiments stain linens by corona, and the results seem very encouraging ( / infantry / corona.pdf and pdf). However
from an initial image of the photograph published by Dr. Garlaschelli, it seems that we have not got anything new because similar images were seen in the experimental work published in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, (vol. 46-2) back in 2002, resulting in very weak intermediate degrees of color in the image of the Shroud.
addition, the image now proposed, based on previous studies of other more successful as that obtained from the American scholar Emily Craig, has already been analyzed at the microscopic level with somewhat disappointing results, and the attached photograph compares the uniform color of the fibrils Shroud's image with those obtained by using pigments with iron oxide.
Finally, a nod to the carbon 14 dating cited by Dr. Garlaschelli: the result has little scientific value because of the serious errors statistics published (Nature, 1989) which show that the sample analyzed is not representative of the most important relics of Christendom.
The undersigned is prepared to analyze the new results from the scientific point of view to draw the necessary conclusions that can be discussed at the expert level (possibly involving the international group ShroudScience - worldwide group of more than one hundred scholars on the subject) before they are made in the media communications without scientific evidence. (IlSussidiario)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Cardinal Francis George, president of the American Bishops Conference, said his latest work 'The Difference God Makes: a catholic vision of faith, communion and culture'.
"policy - says George - Should get used to looking at reality fleeing from a fragmentation daughter of a vision for what the magazines. Policy should be a unified vision of man. Today, the greatest difficulty that we as a church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bthat takes into account the whole and not only the particular. Take the issue of abortion or life in general. The voice is heard dela church in the United States, but also very opposed. And the critical place for one reason: because our company believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. Of course, the basis is a concept of partial freedom, but the problem of values remains. Free will is better than life today. The defense of life is also considered a value, but freedom of choice is a most important value. "
George explains that the Obama Administration with its church, and above all ethical issues have always liked the comparison that sometimes becomes a struggle. "The moral of the church on certain issues has not changed. I do not see differences of thought in the church. L'Osservatore Romano - true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some other cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms of the current American administration, but found beyond a journalistic point remains: the church can not betray itself ".