Axe Bishop on Obama. And the Vatican curia
In a bombshell article published in Rome, the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput criticizes the American president and the men of the Church that the hail, the head of the curia, Cardinal Cottier. But the Vatican secretariat of state comes under fire.
by Sandro Magister ROMA, October 8, 2009 - "always will defend vigorously the right of bishops to criticize me," he assured the eve of Barack Obama by he had with Benedict XVI last 10 luglio.Infatti. I am eighty Catholic bishops of the United States in open disagreement with him on key issues, primarily the defense of life. Among them is Cardinal Francis George, president of the Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Chicago, the city of Obama.E there is also the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, 65, of Prairie Band Potawat Indian tribes, the Capuchin Franciscan order, the author of a book a year ago that since the title says a lot: "Render unto Caesar. Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life" . It is fair to give to Caesar what belongs to him. But it serves the nation by living his Catholic faith in life politica.A Chaput does not like the way to Rome, the Vatican, put the mute criticism of the American Church to Obama. Not liked, in particular, the wild hosannas raised to U.S. president last July - to coincide with Obama's meeting with the pope - a venerable Cardinal of the Curia, the Swiss Georges Cottier, theologian emeritus of the pontifical household, with an article magazine "30 Days." "30 Days" is a journal of geopolitics ecclesiastical widely read in the Roman curia. It is directed by the more "curial" the long-running Italian Catholic politicians, Senator for life Giulio Andreotti. It reaches all the dioceses in six languages \u200b\u200bof the world and fully reflects the realistic policy of diplomacy vaticana.Letto Article Cardinal Cottier thrilled - especially thrilled with the speech given by Obama at the Catholic University of Notre Dame - and read before that a former editor of L'Osservatore Romano also very appreciative of the first hundred days of the American president even "on support of motherhood, "Chaput ribattere.Ha felt compelled to put pen to paper and responded in kind. For Obama, Cardinal Cottier and the Vatican secretariat of state. And not in an American newspaper but in a newspaper printed in Rome because the Vatican has come out veda.La its reply on October 6 on "Film," the newspaper of opinion, directed by Giuliano Ferrara, not a Catholic but decidedly "Ratzinger" very careful the public role of religioni.L 'article in the bishop of Denver has occupied the entire third page, under the title: "The bishop of the Indian ax. Charles J. Chaput against Notre Dame and the illustrious Cardinal seduced by abortion Obama" . The text is reproduced below with the original title, in the Italian translation of Aldo peak "il Foglio." The same October 6, the front page, the "Worksheet" also published an interview with Cardinal George, in those days in Rome to present his new book titled "God Makes The Difference. A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture [The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture]." In the interview, the cardinal said, among other things: "Today the major difficulty that we as a Church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values. Take the issue of abortion and life in general. The Church's voice is heard in the U.S., but it is also opposed. And the criticisms of the Church take place for one reason: because our society believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. The agency today is better than life. "And again:" The moral of the Church on some issues has not changed. 'L'Osservatore Romano' - is true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms the current U.S. administration, but are beyond the journalistic point is one: the Church can not betray herself. "
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