Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poptropica Asin Funbrain

The drift of religious terrorism 'DIY' polluter that reality and reason

An incident like the attack occurred Monday before the gate of the barracks to Piazzale Santa Barbara Perrucchetti in Milan by one person - the present state of investigations - Seems to have acted outside of any terrorist organization is a need for a thorough review. It can not not affect the ability of Islamic fundamentalism to work on disconnections and loss of the subject, on his personal crises. There can be no question on such a logic, which addresses the personal depressive spiral in liberating gesture of suicide terrorism, transforming the disconnection of life in a laceration of the body, the faint bitterness in private religious ideology and depression in suicidal militant gesture. Such an ability to work on the crisis and the conscience of the individual fractures, breaks the logic of organized militant terrorism. The possibility of food terrorism "DIY", which is processed from a drift and staff that addresses the spiraling depression of a single suicide in the act, is directly mirrored in a drift-type specific religious fundamentalist. Wonder how such a deviation has been powered by two types of misunderstandings. The first is a political and tends to include the act of terror in the categories of political struggle, as carried out with aberrant and immoral means. The second is a cultural and tends to place the suicidal act in a particular form of religion is derived, to which he gave himself the subject and which would ultimately be "acting." The two aspects are mutually supportive: the act political support of his finds inconclusive in religious belief, while the latter, in turn, finds in the end a kind of political legitimacy of operation, together with the illusion of being in some way, the practical question. In fact religions have never drift of reason, but analysis of the realities that are quite reasonable, however, based on assessments and knowledge errate.L 'Piazzale Perrucchetti bomber did not act under the influence of its representations, but as a result of an incorrect analysis of reality and as a result of subscribing to a religion that follows gives the inner pain and the possibility of liberating gesture consecrating. The problem therefore lies in the possibility of recruiting and proper to make incorrect assumptions, in order to get the real facts exist and to explain to themselves their depression as a result of oppression. Both the analysis of reality, as the drift that religious claims are not based on representations, therefore, more or less fantastic reality, but on reading keys wrong on manifest errors of assessment. The paradox is the possibility of such errors can reproduce and flourish in society, taking advantage of a real "free zone" of Western culture that sees religion as something detached and antithetical to reason. Cultural relativism, which disconnects the religion of reason, paradoxically, with the ends to produce a kind of uncritical silence on every discharge from the right, when in fact it is precisely the opposite that is needed. (IlSussidiario)


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