Holy Shroud - A copy of the scientists is Cicap a fake. Here the evidence against Obama
In reference to Article of 5/10/2009 La Repubblica, "Shroud - is a medieval fake. Here's proof "is no surprise for the statements made therein without scientific rigor. Every so often a person trying to get notoriety in the media claiming to have reproduced the shroud or a part of it, but when it explores the discourse falls on stage. " It is possible to reproduce some macroscopic features of the Shroud, but it is extremely difficult to reproduce the microscopic features of the body image printed therein. Nobody, not even with the current state of the art technology, has so far been able to reproduce all these features together very special. Even an article published on behalf of 24 scholars on the Internet (www.shroud.com / pdfs / doclist.pdf) shows the current inability to reproduce all the features of the most important relic of Christianity. In particular in
concerned, Dr. Garlaschelli says nothing about the depth of color, which is very thin (one-fifth of one thousandth of a millimeter) in the case of the Shroud image and it is virtually impossible to play through that depth substances chemicals used by Dr. Garlaschelli. However, if Dr.
Garlaschelli had actually found a way to reproduce something similar to the Shroud, he would have to screen the community its scientific results before exposing them to an audience unable to perform detailed laboratory testing, such as microscopic analysis to remove any doubt about the deep submicron staining.
The undersigned has publicly launched a "Porta a Porta" a scientific challenge by declaring that the Shroud is not reproducible and was ready to change his mind as soon as someone had given him the opportunity to study similsindonici samples to be analyzed with the tools.
ENEA Frascati years studying how to replicate some features of the body and obtained encouraging results using excimer laser (Baldacchini G. et al. article published in the prestigious U.S. scientific journal Applied Optics on 18-3-2008), but the road is long before you can get something of the same body image of the Shroud.
University of Padova are ongoing experiments stain linens by corona, and the results seem very encouraging (www.dim.unipd.it / infantry / corona.pdf and www.ohioshroudconference.com/papers/p15. pdf). However
from an initial image of the photograph published by Dr. Garlaschelli, it seems that we have not got anything new because similar images were seen in the experimental work published in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, (vol. 46-2) back in 2002, resulting in very weak intermediate degrees of color in the image of the Shroud.
addition, the image now proposed, based on previous studies of other more successful as that obtained from the American scholar Emily Craig, has already been analyzed at the microscopic level with somewhat disappointing results, and the attached photograph compares the uniform color of the fibrils Shroud's image with those obtained by using pigments with iron oxide.
Finally, a nod to the carbon 14 dating cited by Dr. Garlaschelli: the result has little scientific value because of the serious errors statistics published (Nature, 1989) which show that the sample analyzed is not representative of the most important relics of Christendom.
The undersigned is prepared to analyze the new results from the scientific point of view to draw the necessary conclusions that can be discussed at the expert level (possibly involving the international group ShroudScience - worldwide group of more than one hundred scholars on the subject) before they are made in the media communications without scientific evidence. (IlSussidiario)
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