Magazines Saint Paul: after 85 years 'ilGiornalino' change graphics
During the 85 years since the foundation, "the magazine" Magazine of the San Paolo is renewed and change graphics. Singular event in publishing for children, "the Newspaper" is the longest running weekly in Europe and in Italy only for boys and girls aged 7 to 14 years. In keeping with our mission to educate fun, "says the editor, the magazine" keeps the formula that combines information, training and entertainment, focusing even more strongly to the two main "pillars" of the newspaper "or" the Italian comic quality and journalism for young people. " Each issue the supplement free attachment "Knowing together "will explore the world of knowledge, with an eye to the school and an animation and the laboratory. The renovation will involve all sections of the chart weekly, starting from the logo and the underlying claim contained in a "balloon". The shape of the logo will be repeated in the headers of the headings as "trademark", even where the graphics are already very clear differentiation. Info: / Thu . (Sir)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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The drift of religious terrorism 'DIY' polluter that reality and reason
An incident like the attack occurred Monday before the gate of the barracks to Piazzale Santa Barbara Perrucchetti in Milan by one person - the present state of investigations - Seems to have acted outside of any terrorist organization is a need for a thorough review. It can not not affect the ability of Islamic fundamentalism to work on disconnections and loss of the subject, on his personal crises. There can be no question on such a logic, which addresses the personal depressive spiral in liberating gesture of suicide terrorism, transforming the disconnection of life in a laceration of the body, the faint bitterness in private religious ideology and depression in suicidal militant gesture. Such an ability to work on the crisis and the conscience of the individual fractures, breaks the logic of organized militant terrorism. The possibility of food terrorism "DIY", which is processed from a drift and staff that addresses the spiraling depression of a single suicide in the act, is directly mirrored in a drift-type specific religious fundamentalist. Wonder how such a deviation has been powered by two types of misunderstandings. The first is a political and tends to include the act of terror in the categories of political struggle, as carried out with aberrant and immoral means. The second is a cultural and tends to place the suicidal act in a particular form of religion is derived, to which he gave himself the subject and which would ultimately be "acting." The two aspects are mutually supportive: the act political support of his finds inconclusive in religious belief, while the latter, in turn, finds in the end a kind of political legitimacy of operation, together with the illusion of being in some way, the practical question. In fact religions have never drift of reason, but analysis of the realities that are quite reasonable, however, based on assessments and knowledge errate.L 'Piazzale Perrucchetti bomber did not act under the influence of its representations, but as a result of an incorrect analysis of reality and as a result of subscribing to a religion that follows gives the inner pain and the possibility of liberating gesture consecrating. The problem therefore lies in the possibility of recruiting and proper to make incorrect assumptions, in order to get the real facts exist and to explain to themselves their depression as a result of oppression. Both the analysis of reality, as the drift that religious claims are not based on representations, therefore, more or less fantastic reality, but on reading keys wrong on manifest errors of assessment. The paradox is the possibility of such errors can reproduce and flourish in society, taking advantage of a real "free zone" of Western culture that sees religion as something detached and antithetical to reason. Cultural relativism, which disconnects the religion of reason, paradoxically, with the ends to produce a kind of uncritical silence on every discharge from the right, when in fact it is precisely the opposite that is needed. (IlSussidiario)
An incident like the attack occurred Monday before the gate of the barracks to Piazzale Santa Barbara Perrucchetti in Milan by one person - the present state of investigations - Seems to have acted outside of any terrorist organization is a need for a thorough review. It can not not affect the ability of Islamic fundamentalism to work on disconnections and loss of the subject, on his personal crises. There can be no question on such a logic, which addresses the personal depressive spiral in liberating gesture of suicide terrorism, transforming the disconnection of life in a laceration of the body, the faint bitterness in private religious ideology and depression in suicidal militant gesture. Such an ability to work on the crisis and the conscience of the individual fractures, breaks the logic of organized militant terrorism. The possibility of food terrorism "DIY", which is processed from a drift and staff that addresses the spiraling depression of a single suicide in the act, is directly mirrored in a drift-type specific religious fundamentalist. Wonder how such a deviation has been powered by two types of misunderstandings. The first is a political and tends to include the act of terror in the categories of political struggle, as carried out with aberrant and immoral means. The second is a cultural and tends to place the suicidal act in a particular form of religion is derived, to which he gave himself the subject and which would ultimately be "acting." The two aspects are mutually supportive: the act political support of his finds inconclusive in religious belief, while the latter, in turn, finds in the end a kind of political legitimacy of operation, together with the illusion of being in some way, the practical question. In fact religions have never drift of reason, but analysis of the realities that are quite reasonable, however, based on assessments and knowledge errate.L 'Piazzale Perrucchetti bomber did not act under the influence of its representations, but as a result of an incorrect analysis of reality and as a result of subscribing to a religion that follows gives the inner pain and the possibility of liberating gesture consecrating. The problem therefore lies in the possibility of recruiting and proper to make incorrect assumptions, in order to get the real facts exist and to explain to themselves their depression as a result of oppression. Both the analysis of reality, as the drift that religious claims are not based on representations, therefore, more or less fantastic reality, but on reading keys wrong on manifest errors of assessment. The paradox is the possibility of such errors can reproduce and flourish in society, taking advantage of a real "free zone" of Western culture that sees religion as something detached and antithetical to reason. Cultural relativism, which disconnects the religion of reason, paradoxically, with the ends to produce a kind of uncritical silence on every discharge from the right, when in fact it is precisely the opposite that is needed. (IlSussidiario)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
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The Nobel Obama and relations with the Vatican, according to Miguel Diaz and Father Lombardi
"We are delighted - he told Vatican Radio Miguel Diaz, the new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See - to this very important honor. Have been granted to the President's efforts to build understanding between peoples, as he expressed in his address to the Muslim peoples in Cairo, in the course of his travels and speeches and other initiatives. I think the committee has acknowledged its commitment to the elimination of nuclear weapons. "
On the influence of this award will be in relations between the Vatican and the White House, the ambassador said: "As I said, I believe that the Holy See, said the Pope in the conversation I had with him last Friday at the presentation of my credentials, the abolition of nuclear weapons is a challenge to which we must work together. " "As an ambassador of the United States - has added yet - I am deeply honored by the prize awarded to President Obama and we hope that this award will support us in our commitment to cooperation between nations and all people of good will ', so that with their words and actions will succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons. " So Diaz
commenting on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Barack Obama.
Then came the words of Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi: "The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama is greeted with appreciation at the Vatican in the light of the commitment shown by the President for the promotion of peace in the international arena, and in particular also recently in favor of nuclear disarmament. " And again: "It is hoped that this very important recognition will further encourage such efforts difficult but crucial to the future of humanity, that we may bring the desired results."
As for the Vatican-US relations and the common commitment that even in the wake of the Nobel delivery will hopefully continue in the field of cooperation between peoples, would be better not say anything. Come on ... (PaoloRodari)
"We are delighted - he told Vatican Radio Miguel Diaz, the new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See - to this very important honor. Have been granted to the President's efforts to build understanding between peoples, as he expressed in his address to the Muslim peoples in Cairo, in the course of his travels and speeches and other initiatives. I think the committee has acknowledged its commitment to the elimination of nuclear weapons. "
On the influence of this award will be in relations between the Vatican and the White House, the ambassador said: "As I said, I believe that the Holy See, said the Pope in the conversation I had with him last Friday at the presentation of my credentials, the abolition of nuclear weapons is a challenge to which we must work together. " "As an ambassador of the United States - has added yet - I am deeply honored by the prize awarded to President Obama and we hope that this award will support us in our commitment to cooperation between nations and all people of good will ', so that with their words and actions will succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons. " So Diaz
commenting on the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Barack Obama.
Then came the words of Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi: "The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama is greeted with appreciation at the Vatican in the light of the commitment shown by the President for the promotion of peace in the international arena, and in particular also recently in favor of nuclear disarmament. " And again: "It is hoped that this very important recognition will further encourage such efforts difficult but crucial to the future of humanity, that we may bring the desired results."
As for the Vatican-US relations and the common commitment that even in the wake of the Nobel delivery will hopefully continue in the field of cooperation between peoples, would be better not say anything. Come on ... (PaoloRodari)
Friday, October 9, 2009
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Axe Bishop on Obama. And the Vatican curia
In a bombshell article published in Rome, the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput criticizes the American president and the men of the Church that the hail, the head of the curia, Cardinal Cottier. But the Vatican secretariat of state comes under fire.
by Sandro Magister ROMA, October 8, 2009 - "always will defend vigorously the right of bishops to criticize me," he assured the eve of Barack Obama by he had with Benedict XVI last 10 luglio.Infatti. I am eighty Catholic bishops of the United States in open disagreement with him on key issues, primarily the defense of life. Among them is Cardinal Francis George, president of the Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Chicago, the city of Obama.E there is also the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, 65, of Prairie Band Potawat Indian tribes, the Capuchin Franciscan order, the author of a book a year ago that since the title says a lot: "Render unto Caesar. Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life" . It is fair to give to Caesar what belongs to him. But it serves the nation by living his Catholic faith in life politica.A Chaput does not like the way to Rome, the Vatican, put the mute criticism of the American Church to Obama. Not liked, in particular, the wild hosannas raised to U.S. president last July - to coincide with Obama's meeting with the pope - a venerable Cardinal of the Curia, the Swiss Georges Cottier, theologian emeritus of the pontifical household, with an article magazine "30 Days." "30 Days" is a journal of geopolitics ecclesiastical widely read in the Roman curia. It is directed by the more "curial" the long-running Italian Catholic politicians, Senator for life Giulio Andreotti. It reaches all the dioceses in six languages \u200b\u200bof the world and fully reflects the realistic policy of diplomacy vaticana.Letto Article Cardinal Cottier thrilled - especially thrilled with the speech given by Obama at the Catholic University of Notre Dame - and read before that a former editor of L'Osservatore Romano also very appreciative of the first hundred days of the American president even "on support of motherhood, "Chaput ribattere.Ha felt compelled to put pen to paper and responded in kind. For Obama, Cardinal Cottier and the Vatican secretariat of state. And not in an American newspaper but in a newspaper printed in Rome because the Vatican has come out veda.La its reply on October 6 on "Film," the newspaper of opinion, directed by Giuliano Ferrara, not a Catholic but decidedly "Ratzinger" very careful the public role of religioni.L 'article in the bishop of Denver has occupied the entire third page, under the title: "The bishop of the Indian ax. Charles J. Chaput against Notre Dame and the illustrious Cardinal seduced by abortion Obama" . The text is reproduced below with the original title, in the Italian translation of Aldo peak "il Foglio." The same October 6, the front page, the "Worksheet" also published an interview with Cardinal George, in those days in Rome to present his new book titled "God Makes The Difference. A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture [The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture]." In the interview, the cardinal said, among other things: "Today the major difficulty that we as a Church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values. Take the issue of abortion and life in general. The Church's voice is heard in the U.S., but it is also opposed. And the criticisms of the Church take place for one reason: because our society believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. The agency today is better than life. "And again:" The moral of the Church on some issues has not changed. 'L'Osservatore Romano' - is true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms the current U.S. administration, but are beyond the journalistic point is one: the Church can not betray herself. "
In a bombshell article published in Rome, the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput criticizes the American president and the men of the Church that the hail, the head of the curia, Cardinal Cottier. But the Vatican secretariat of state comes under fire.
by Sandro Magister ROMA, October 8, 2009 - "always will defend vigorously the right of bishops to criticize me," he assured the eve of Barack Obama by he had with Benedict XVI last 10 luglio.Infatti. I am eighty Catholic bishops of the United States in open disagreement with him on key issues, primarily the defense of life. Among them is Cardinal Francis George, president of the Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Chicago, the city of Obama.E there is also the bishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, 65, of Prairie Band Potawat Indian tribes, the Capuchin Franciscan order, the author of a book a year ago that since the title says a lot: "Render unto Caesar. Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life" . It is fair to give to Caesar what belongs to him. But it serves the nation by living his Catholic faith in life politica.A Chaput does not like the way to Rome, the Vatican, put the mute criticism of the American Church to Obama. Not liked, in particular, the wild hosannas raised to U.S. president last July - to coincide with Obama's meeting with the pope - a venerable Cardinal of the Curia, the Swiss Georges Cottier, theologian emeritus of the pontifical household, with an article magazine "30 Days." "30 Days" is a journal of geopolitics ecclesiastical widely read in the Roman curia. It is directed by the more "curial" the long-running Italian Catholic politicians, Senator for life Giulio Andreotti. It reaches all the dioceses in six languages \u200b\u200bof the world and fully reflects the realistic policy of diplomacy vaticana.Letto Article Cardinal Cottier thrilled - especially thrilled with the speech given by Obama at the Catholic University of Notre Dame - and read before that a former editor of L'Osservatore Romano also very appreciative of the first hundred days of the American president even "on support of motherhood, "Chaput ribattere.Ha felt compelled to put pen to paper and responded in kind. For Obama, Cardinal Cottier and the Vatican secretariat of state. And not in an American newspaper but in a newspaper printed in Rome because the Vatican has come out veda.La its reply on October 6 on "Film," the newspaper of opinion, directed by Giuliano Ferrara, not a Catholic but decidedly "Ratzinger" very careful the public role of religioni.L 'article in the bishop of Denver has occupied the entire third page, under the title: "The bishop of the Indian ax. Charles J. Chaput against Notre Dame and the illustrious Cardinal seduced by abortion Obama" . The text is reproduced below with the original title, in the Italian translation of Aldo peak "il Foglio." The same October 6, the front page, the "Worksheet" also published an interview with Cardinal George, in those days in Rome to present his new book titled "God Makes The Difference. A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion, and Culture [The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture]." In the interview, the cardinal said, among other things: "Today the major difficulty that we as a Church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values. Take the issue of abortion and life in general. The Church's voice is heard in the U.S., but it is also opposed. And the criticisms of the Church take place for one reason: because our society believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. The agency today is better than life. "And again:" The moral of the Church on some issues has not changed. 'L'Osservatore Romano' - is true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms the current U.S. administration, but are beyond the journalistic point is one: the Church can not betray herself. "
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U.S. - Cardinal Daniel DiNardo held the sermon to the 'red mass' and betrays the expectations
The 60 year old American Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, was created cardinal by Pope Benedict directly XVI November 24, 2007. Before him, never leading the Texas diocese had been granted the privilege of the red hat. A sign of the esteem that the Pope has for the cardinal. DiNardo, in fact, represents a model similar to pastor As the Pope wants the bishops of his church, a bishop can capture those far to Catholicism and those who have lost faith in the street. Since he is in Galveston-Houston, the number of practicing Catholics has skyrocketed, and it is not indifferent to those who, like Pope Ratzinger, clearly includes the dynamics of American religious market. DiNardo is also a bishop who, in the wake many of his fellow Americans, strongly defends the voice of the church in the public arena. Sure, it's the American model of secularism positive to benefit you in this exercise. But it is also he who moves back into play when there are moral principles and values \u200b\u200bon which no such retrocedere.Un DiNardo gave it last Sunday at the annual meeting in Washington called the red mass. It 's the Catholic Mass that some of the American purple (red cap, hence the "red mass ") to celebrate the country's lawyers to mo 'inauguration of the judicial year. On Sunday, the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, DiNardo gave a long sermon, words pregnant with meaning because four days passed before the Supreme Court opened the trial in the case of Salazar v. Good exposure on the constitutionality of the Cross Catholic in the Mojave National Reserve. DiNardo has given the line of what, for the hierarchy of the church, the work of those working in the legal field should not ignore. To listen to the cream of the country. Supreme Court were Sonia Sotomayor, John Roberts Jr., Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito (all Catholic) and Stephen Breyer (Jewish religion). With them, along with many other professionals including judges and lawyers, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary for Home Affairs Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation Ray LaHood and chairman of the Republican National Committee and outside the cathedral Michael Steele.Sarà c 'were different expressions of prolife activists, ethical issues that will always heat up the passions of Americans (now the Osservatore Romano cites a poll by the Pew Forum that the U.S. reduces the number of abortions), the fact is that DiNardo did not disappoint expectations by asking, first of all, that judges and lawyers in their work take account the rights of all their customers, even "those who because of abortion could not come to light." These are the "customers without a voice" that the cardinal has asked not to be forgotten. And again he asked: "How dare receive Communion with the blood of unborn babies in your hands?". So the reference to the enhancement of faith and the demands of believers in public life. A reminder - the other day - somehow endorsed by the court during the trial Salazar v. Good. Justice Scalia spoke in favor of the cross as California may represent the dead of all religions. The cross was placed in the park California in 1934 for a perpetual memory of the fallen of the First World War. Frank Buono, a superintendent of the park, has sought the removal because it undermines the First Amendment to the Constitution, one dedicated to freedom of religion, press and speech. Salazar's lawyers argue the opposite, and the day before yesterday, he also argued Scalia. It 's still early to say how it will end, but in the U.S. than elsewhere is that instances of the church may not remain unheard. (PaoloRodari-ilFoglio)
The 60 year old American Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, was created cardinal by Pope Benedict directly XVI November 24, 2007. Before him, never leading the Texas diocese had been granted the privilege of the red hat. A sign of the esteem that the Pope has for the cardinal. DiNardo, in fact, represents a model similar to pastor As the Pope wants the bishops of his church, a bishop can capture those far to Catholicism and those who have lost faith in the street. Since he is in Galveston-Houston, the number of practicing Catholics has skyrocketed, and it is not indifferent to those who, like Pope Ratzinger, clearly includes the dynamics of American religious market. DiNardo is also a bishop who, in the wake many of his fellow Americans, strongly defends the voice of the church in the public arena. Sure, it's the American model of secularism positive to benefit you in this exercise. But it is also he who moves back into play when there are moral principles and values \u200b\u200bon which no such retrocedere.Un DiNardo gave it last Sunday at the annual meeting in Washington called the red mass. It 's the Catholic Mass that some of the American purple (red cap, hence the "red mass ") to celebrate the country's lawyers to mo 'inauguration of the judicial year. On Sunday, the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, DiNardo gave a long sermon, words pregnant with meaning because four days passed before the Supreme Court opened the trial in the case of Salazar v. Good exposure on the constitutionality of the Cross Catholic in the Mojave National Reserve. DiNardo has given the line of what, for the hierarchy of the church, the work of those working in the legal field should not ignore. To listen to the cream of the country. Supreme Court were Sonia Sotomayor, John Roberts Jr., Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito (all Catholic) and Stephen Breyer (Jewish religion). With them, along with many other professionals including judges and lawyers, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary for Home Affairs Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation Ray LaHood and chairman of the Republican National Committee and outside the cathedral Michael Steele.Sarà c 'were different expressions of prolife activists, ethical issues that will always heat up the passions of Americans (now the Osservatore Romano cites a poll by the Pew Forum that the U.S. reduces the number of abortions), the fact is that DiNardo did not disappoint expectations by asking, first of all, that judges and lawyers in their work take account the rights of all their customers, even "those who because of abortion could not come to light." These are the "customers without a voice" that the cardinal has asked not to be forgotten. And again he asked: "How dare receive Communion with the blood of unborn babies in your hands?". So the reference to the enhancement of faith and the demands of believers in public life. A reminder - the other day - somehow endorsed by the court during the trial Salazar v. Good. Justice Scalia spoke in favor of the cross as California may represent the dead of all religions. The cross was placed in the park California in 1934 for a perpetual memory of the fallen of the First World War. Frank Buono, a superintendent of the park, has sought the removal because it undermines the First Amendment to the Constitution, one dedicated to freedom of religion, press and speech. Salazar's lawyers argue the opposite, and the day before yesterday, he also argued Scalia. It 's still early to say how it will end, but in the U.S. than elsewhere is that instances of the church may not remain unheard. (PaoloRodari-ilFoglio)
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Pope Abu Mazen, "the rights of all are respected"
solution "just and lasting settlement" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which are "recognized and respected the rights of all." Built in yesterday's support - At meetings with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Foreign Minister Franco Frattini - the Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas returned to Ramallah after finding the attention of Pope Benedict XVI to answer the question mediorientale.L 'hearing with the Pontiff, a fifteen-minute meeting behind closed doors in the library of the Apostolic Palace, closing a three-day visit of Fatah leaders who also met the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, and the chairman of the House, Gianfranco Fini. "Welcome Mr. President," are the words with which Benedict XVI, left the hall of the synod is ongoing in the assembly of African bishops, welcomed Abu Mazen (Mahmud Abbas), before announcing the outcome of the meetings that the President of the PNA had in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama. During the interview, then continued in private, "has opened a dialogue on the Middle East" after recalling the recent visit of Benedict XVI in the Holy Land, and it is emphasized, as stated in the statement issued by the Holy See the importance of "cooperation and mutual respect between the parties, in addition to the" international community's support. " But the two also addressed the situation of Catholics in Palestine, "and more generally in the region." Just less than a month ago, the Pope, after his meeting with the Patriarchs East, announced the convocation of a special synod of bishops in the Middle East, which will be held 10 to 24 October 2010. In a gift to Pope Benedict XVI, Abu Mazen has brought a tiled with the image of ancient Jerusalem, on which stands the inscription 'Jerusalem the Arab Cultural Capital, received by the Pope in pewter and ceramic reproduction of St. Peter. Before leaving the Vatican, the Palestinian Authority President presented the Pope with his entourage to which he belonged, among others, the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, commenting that he had "a very important job to do." (Future)
solution "just and lasting settlement" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which are "recognized and respected the rights of all." Built in yesterday's support - At meetings with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Foreign Minister Franco Frattini - the Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas returned to Ramallah after finding the attention of Pope Benedict XVI to answer the question mediorientale.L 'hearing with the Pontiff, a fifteen-minute meeting behind closed doors in the library of the Apostolic Palace, closing a three-day visit of Fatah leaders who also met the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, and the chairman of the House, Gianfranco Fini. "Welcome Mr. President," are the words with which Benedict XVI, left the hall of the synod is ongoing in the assembly of African bishops, welcomed Abu Mazen (Mahmud Abbas), before announcing the outcome of the meetings that the President of the PNA had in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama. During the interview, then continued in private, "has opened a dialogue on the Middle East" after recalling the recent visit of Benedict XVI in the Holy Land, and it is emphasized, as stated in the statement issued by the Holy See the importance of "cooperation and mutual respect between the parties, in addition to the" international community's support. " But the two also addressed the situation of Catholics in Palestine, "and more generally in the region." Just less than a month ago, the Pope, after his meeting with the Patriarchs East, announced the convocation of a special synod of bishops in the Middle East, which will be held 10 to 24 October 2010. In a gift to Pope Benedict XVI, Abu Mazen has brought a tiled with the image of ancient Jerusalem, on which stands the inscription 'Jerusalem the Arab Cultural Capital, received by the Pope in pewter and ceramic reproduction of St. Peter. Before leaving the Vatican, the Palestinian Authority President presented the Pope with his entourage to which he belonged, among others, the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, commenting that he had "a very important job to do." (Future)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cancer Of The Cervical Spine Progression
Holy Shroud - A copy of the scientists is Cicap a fake. Here the evidence against Obama
In reference to Article of 5/10/2009 La Repubblica, "Shroud - is a medieval fake. Here's proof "is no surprise for the statements made therein without scientific rigor. Every so often a person trying to get notoriety in the media claiming to have reproduced the shroud or a part of it, but when it explores the discourse falls on stage. " It is possible to reproduce some macroscopic features of the Shroud, but it is extremely difficult to reproduce the microscopic features of the body image printed therein. Nobody, not even with the current state of the art technology, has so far been able to reproduce all these features together very special. Even an article published on behalf of 24 scholars on the Internet ( / pdfs / doclist.pdf) shows the current inability to reproduce all the features of the most important relic of Christianity. In particular in
concerned, Dr. Garlaschelli says nothing about the depth of color, which is very thin (one-fifth of one thousandth of a millimeter) in the case of the Shroud image and it is virtually impossible to play through that depth substances chemicals used by Dr. Garlaschelli. However, if Dr.
Garlaschelli had actually found a way to reproduce something similar to the Shroud, he would have to screen the community its scientific results before exposing them to an audience unable to perform detailed laboratory testing, such as microscopic analysis to remove any doubt about the deep submicron staining.
The undersigned has publicly launched a "Porta a Porta" a scientific challenge by declaring that the Shroud is not reproducible and was ready to change his mind as soon as someone had given him the opportunity to study similsindonici samples to be analyzed with the tools.
ENEA Frascati years studying how to replicate some features of the body and obtained encouraging results using excimer laser (Baldacchini G. et al. article published in the prestigious U.S. scientific journal Applied Optics on 18-3-2008), but the road is long before you can get something of the same body image of the Shroud.
University of Padova are ongoing experiments stain linens by corona, and the results seem very encouraging ( / infantry / corona.pdf and pdf). However
from an initial image of the photograph published by Dr. Garlaschelli, it seems that we have not got anything new because similar images were seen in the experimental work published in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, (vol. 46-2) back in 2002, resulting in very weak intermediate degrees of color in the image of the Shroud.
addition, the image now proposed, based on previous studies of other more successful as that obtained from the American scholar Emily Craig, has already been analyzed at the microscopic level with somewhat disappointing results, and the attached photograph compares the uniform color of the fibrils Shroud's image with those obtained by using pigments with iron oxide.
Finally, a nod to the carbon 14 dating cited by Dr. Garlaschelli: the result has little scientific value because of the serious errors statistics published (Nature, 1989) which show that the sample analyzed is not representative of the most important relics of Christendom.
The undersigned is prepared to analyze the new results from the scientific point of view to draw the necessary conclusions that can be discussed at the expert level (possibly involving the international group ShroudScience - worldwide group of more than one hundred scholars on the subject) before they are made in the media communications without scientific evidence. (IlSussidiario)
In reference to Article of 5/10/2009 La Repubblica, "Shroud - is a medieval fake. Here's proof "is no surprise for the statements made therein without scientific rigor. Every so often a person trying to get notoriety in the media claiming to have reproduced the shroud or a part of it, but when it explores the discourse falls on stage. " It is possible to reproduce some macroscopic features of the Shroud, but it is extremely difficult to reproduce the microscopic features of the body image printed therein. Nobody, not even with the current state of the art technology, has so far been able to reproduce all these features together very special. Even an article published on behalf of 24 scholars on the Internet ( / pdfs / doclist.pdf) shows the current inability to reproduce all the features of the most important relic of Christianity. In particular in
concerned, Dr. Garlaschelli says nothing about the depth of color, which is very thin (one-fifth of one thousandth of a millimeter) in the case of the Shroud image and it is virtually impossible to play through that depth substances chemicals used by Dr. Garlaschelli. However, if Dr.
Garlaschelli had actually found a way to reproduce something similar to the Shroud, he would have to screen the community its scientific results before exposing them to an audience unable to perform detailed laboratory testing, such as microscopic analysis to remove any doubt about the deep submicron staining.
The undersigned has publicly launched a "Porta a Porta" a scientific challenge by declaring that the Shroud is not reproducible and was ready to change his mind as soon as someone had given him the opportunity to study similsindonici samples to be analyzed with the tools.
ENEA Frascati years studying how to replicate some features of the body and obtained encouraging results using excimer laser (Baldacchini G. et al. article published in the prestigious U.S. scientific journal Applied Optics on 18-3-2008), but the road is long before you can get something of the same body image of the Shroud.
University of Padova are ongoing experiments stain linens by corona, and the results seem very encouraging ( / infantry / corona.pdf and pdf). However
from an initial image of the photograph published by Dr. Garlaschelli, it seems that we have not got anything new because similar images were seen in the experimental work published in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, (vol. 46-2) back in 2002, resulting in very weak intermediate degrees of color in the image of the Shroud.
addition, the image now proposed, based on previous studies of other more successful as that obtained from the American scholar Emily Craig, has already been analyzed at the microscopic level with somewhat disappointing results, and the attached photograph compares the uniform color of the fibrils Shroud's image with those obtained by using pigments with iron oxide.
Finally, a nod to the carbon 14 dating cited by Dr. Garlaschelli: the result has little scientific value because of the serious errors statistics published (Nature, 1989) which show that the sample analyzed is not representative of the most important relics of Christendom.
The undersigned is prepared to analyze the new results from the scientific point of view to draw the necessary conclusions that can be discussed at the expert level (possibly involving the international group ShroudScience - worldwide group of more than one hundred scholars on the subject) before they are made in the media communications without scientific evidence. (IlSussidiario)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Advanced Placement Biology Lab 6
Cardinal Francis George, president of the American Bishops Conference, said his latest work 'The Difference God Makes: a catholic vision of faith, communion and culture'.
"policy - says George - Should get used to looking at reality fleeing from a fragmentation daughter of a vision for what the magazines. Policy should be a unified vision of man. Today, the greatest difficulty that we as a church is to communicate to society that there is a hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bthat takes into account the whole and not only the particular. Take the issue of abortion or life in general. The voice is heard dela church in the United States, but also very opposed. And the critical place for one reason: because our company believes that the individualism and freedom of choice are the most important value to be protected. Of course, the basis is a concept of partial freedom, but the problem of values remains. Free will is better than life today. The defense of life is also considered a value, but freedom of choice is a most important value. "
George explains that the Obama Administration with its church, and above all ethical issues have always liked the comparison that sometimes becomes a struggle. "The moral of the church on certain issues has not changed. I do not see differences of thought in the church. L'Osservatore Romano - true - may have written ten lines in favor of Obama, some other cardinal may have spoken in glowing terms of the current American administration, but found beyond a journalistic point remains: the church can not betray itself ".
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Benedict XVI: "O Christ, or nothing"
" O Christ or nothing ": This, the Pope said, summarizing the thought of St. John Leonardi - founder of the religious order of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God and patron saint of pharmacists in the center of catechesis today's general audience - the recipe for any kind of spiritual and social reform. "'Christ first," "Christ at the center of the heart, the center of history and the cosmos," the motto of this "shining figure of a priest ", pointing to him as an example to all the priests in this Year of the Priesthood." Of Christ - St. John said, "with force" - the human race is in desperate need, because he is our measure. " "There is no room - said Benedict XVI - that can not be touched by his strength, there is no evil that can not find in him a remedy, there is no problem that he does not recover." Hence the invitation to the priests "in the first place" but to "all Christians" to "strive constantly to the" high standard of Christian life "that is the sanctity, of course, each according to his state," because "only from fidelity to Christ may well the authentic ecclesial renewal. " A message, it is valid "in those years, in the cultural and social differences between the sixteenth century and the seventeenth century, "in which" began to take shape the future of contemporary culture conditions, characterized by an undue separation between faith and reason, which has produced among its negative effects on the marginalization of God with the illusion of a possible and independently of man who chooses to live as if God did not exist. " "And 'the crisis of modern thought, which I have often had occasion to highlight and calling often in forms of relativism," warned the Pope, for which St John "understood what was the real medicine": Christ.
" O Christ or nothing ": This, the Pope said, summarizing the thought of St. John Leonardi - founder of the religious order of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God and patron saint of pharmacists in the center of catechesis today's general audience - the recipe for any kind of spiritual and social reform. "'Christ first," "Christ at the center of the heart, the center of history and the cosmos," the motto of this "shining figure of a priest ", pointing to him as an example to all the priests in this Year of the Priesthood." Of Christ - St. John said, "with force" - the human race is in desperate need, because he is our measure. " "There is no room - said Benedict XVI - that can not be touched by his strength, there is no evil that can not find in him a remedy, there is no problem that he does not recover." Hence the invitation to the priests "in the first place" but to "all Christians" to "strive constantly to the" high standard of Christian life "that is the sanctity, of course, each according to his state," because "only from fidelity to Christ may well the authentic ecclesial renewal. " A message, it is valid "in those years, in the cultural and social differences between the sixteenth century and the seventeenth century, "in which" began to take shape the future of contemporary culture conditions, characterized by an undue separation between faith and reason, which has produced among its negative effects on the marginalization of God with the illusion of a possible and independently of man who chooses to live as if God did not exist. " "And 'the crisis of modern thought, which I have often had occasion to highlight and calling often in forms of relativism," warned the Pope, for which St John "understood what was the real medicine": Christ.
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Holy Shroud - David Rolfe (BBC): The Republic of scientists are wrong
documentary and a great lover History, David Rolfe worked for the company audiovisual production English "Performancefilms" for which he produced hundreds of films. In 1976 he shot "The Silent Witness", the silent witness. A documentary that was devoted to the Shroud of Turin, for which he was awarded the British Academy Award. In 2008 he produced a new documentary for the BBC that call into question the conclusions of 1988 that had reached the study commissions on the relic. interviewed him about the alleged statements of some members of that Cicap, housed in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica, claim to be able to demonstrate how the Shroud nothing is a medieval fake
Dr. Rolfe, what made you decide to make his documentary on the Shroud for the BBC?
Since early youth I had a deep interest in everything that surrounds the Holy Shroud. An interest that has been possible in the work that I realized in 1976 when I took my first completed documentary on the subject. It was a job that had evidence for planetary who won the British Academy Award. My passion for studies Shroud has never stopped. Making contact with the leaders of the International Center of Studies on the Shroud have been allowed and the good fortune to make a second documentary that the BBC in turn was very happy to provide.
Italy has caused a stir in an article in one of the major national newspapers that he questions the authenticity of the Shroud calling it a medieval artifact. For as you know the things you can say such a thing?
I too have had here in England the opportunity to look at the article and I must say that the claim of those scientists have discovered a method can be used from the medieval to create a fake is totally wrong. I would say two things about it. In the first place since it was built in the famous review of the C14 many have indulged in the most diverse thinking hypothesis on the creation of the Shroud. Over time, the view of many people has been fortified in the belief that it is a medieval artifact. In fact, the test of the C14 possibility that it was a relic of the Middle Ages were many. But my film as it shows there are several inconsistencies and several historical evidence of the Shroud before the date written examination.
The second observation is that the same professor Christopher Bronk Ramsey of Oxford University who conducted the test of carbon-14 two decades ago said that the issue should be reviewed for the many chemical and physical factors that might have influenced the yield test.
The method used by Professor Garlaschelli CICAP the center, was to use a linen fabric in a herringbone pattern, where a volunteer was lying to which they were dirty ocher parts of the body more important. For the time it was used a bas-relief of plaster. To age the other hand, flax fabric was heated for three hours at a temperature of 250 ° C and washed in a washing machine with water only. The method seems convincing?
Even Professor Garlaschelli, unknowingly, has shown that it can not be trusted with the procedure used for the reproduction of the image of the shroud. To be able to do something you have to make convincing an artificial relic that has all the same features of the image of the shroud. If you read carefully the article notes that Garlaschelli says, "with liquid temperature were then added to the signs of flogging and stains of blood." We got it right? After reproducing the image are placed on the blood. Evidently
Garlaschelli ignores that in 1978 it was found unequivocally that the blood on the Shroud has been poured out before the image was created.
is very easy, once you have an image of a body on a cloth, add the blood in the right places, but it is very difficult, once you put the first blood match image of that type. So the professor who had a claim to say that we have created an image with the same characteristics as the Shroud said something wrong because there are features in the Shroud that his copy did not.
Why do you think the scientific approach to the Shroud is often characterized by a Holocaust denier injury?
The method that science pursues often proceeds with negative evidence, it is rare that science leads to positive tests. And it's okay, because otherwise there is the danger of dogmatic assertions. When the shroud is presented under a scientific perspective brought with it an endless series evidence in favor of its authenticity. Then legions of scientists are presented with the intention to deny them one by one. But there is a fact. Those who maintain such a case, or want to start a study with such a method does not consider all factors compared to the Shroud. The Shroud, to be fully studied and understood, it needs the support of many other contributions from various fields of human knowledge. At stake is the history, geography, art history, chemistry, physics and much more. So I think it is very difficult for someone who has all these really in-depth knowledge to disprove the authenticity of the Shroud. While it is extremely likely that anyone who approaches the shroud with little knowledge and many misconceptions when it sought to find a reason or an excuse to deny the scientific validity of the find. But you will not find anyone who has studied the Shroud to the bottom and has the same attitude.
After completion of his documentary went on to investigate the mystery of the Shroud?
I am very happy to say that we have another project in his hands that we hope can be completed before the Exposition of 2010. This is a feature that will conclude the work we started last documentary and provide an explanation of the fact that the examination of the C14 who needs to be repeated. It's what I'm working harder at this time. (IlSussidiario)
documentary and a great lover History, David Rolfe worked for the company audiovisual production English "Performancefilms" for which he produced hundreds of films. In 1976 he shot "The Silent Witness", the silent witness. A documentary that was devoted to the Shroud of Turin, for which he was awarded the British Academy Award. In 2008 he produced a new documentary for the BBC that call into question the conclusions of 1988 that had reached the study commissions on the relic. interviewed him about the alleged statements of some members of that Cicap, housed in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica, claim to be able to demonstrate how the Shroud nothing is a medieval fake
Dr. Rolfe, what made you decide to make his documentary on the Shroud for the BBC?
Since early youth I had a deep interest in everything that surrounds the Holy Shroud. An interest that has been possible in the work that I realized in 1976 when I took my first completed documentary on the subject. It was a job that had evidence for planetary who won the British Academy Award. My passion for studies Shroud has never stopped. Making contact with the leaders of the International Center of Studies on the Shroud have been allowed and the good fortune to make a second documentary that the BBC in turn was very happy to provide.
Italy has caused a stir in an article in one of the major national newspapers that he questions the authenticity of the Shroud calling it a medieval artifact. For as you know the things you can say such a thing?
I too have had here in England the opportunity to look at the article and I must say that the claim of those scientists have discovered a method can be used from the medieval to create a fake is totally wrong. I would say two things about it. In the first place since it was built in the famous review of the C14 many have indulged in the most diverse thinking hypothesis on the creation of the Shroud. Over time, the view of many people has been fortified in the belief that it is a medieval artifact. In fact, the test of the C14 possibility that it was a relic of the Middle Ages were many. But my film as it shows there are several inconsistencies and several historical evidence of the Shroud before the date written examination.
The second observation is that the same professor Christopher Bronk Ramsey of Oxford University who conducted the test of carbon-14 two decades ago said that the issue should be reviewed for the many chemical and physical factors that might have influenced the yield test.
The method used by Professor Garlaschelli CICAP the center, was to use a linen fabric in a herringbone pattern, where a volunteer was lying to which they were dirty ocher parts of the body more important. For the time it was used a bas-relief of plaster. To age the other hand, flax fabric was heated for three hours at a temperature of 250 ° C and washed in a washing machine with water only. The method seems convincing?
Even Professor Garlaschelli, unknowingly, has shown that it can not be trusted with the procedure used for the reproduction of the image of the shroud. To be able to do something you have to make convincing an artificial relic that has all the same features of the image of the shroud. If you read carefully the article notes that Garlaschelli says, "with liquid temperature were then added to the signs of flogging and stains of blood." We got it right? After reproducing the image are placed on the blood. Evidently
Garlaschelli ignores that in 1978 it was found unequivocally that the blood on the Shroud has been poured out before the image was created.
is very easy, once you have an image of a body on a cloth, add the blood in the right places, but it is very difficult, once you put the first blood match image of that type. So the professor who had a claim to say that we have created an image with the same characteristics as the Shroud said something wrong because there are features in the Shroud that his copy did not.
Why do you think the scientific approach to the Shroud is often characterized by a Holocaust denier injury?
The method that science pursues often proceeds with negative evidence, it is rare that science leads to positive tests. And it's okay, because otherwise there is the danger of dogmatic assertions. When the shroud is presented under a scientific perspective brought with it an endless series evidence in favor of its authenticity. Then legions of scientists are presented with the intention to deny them one by one. But there is a fact. Those who maintain such a case, or want to start a study with such a method does not consider all factors compared to the Shroud. The Shroud, to be fully studied and understood, it needs the support of many other contributions from various fields of human knowledge. At stake is the history, geography, art history, chemistry, physics and much more. So I think it is very difficult for someone who has all these really in-depth knowledge to disprove the authenticity of the Shroud. While it is extremely likely that anyone who approaches the shroud with little knowledge and many misconceptions when it sought to find a reason or an excuse to deny the scientific validity of the find. But you will not find anyone who has studied the Shroud to the bottom and has the same attitude.
After completion of his documentary went on to investigate the mystery of the Shroud?
I am very happy to say that we have another project in his hands that we hope can be completed before the Exposition of 2010. This is a feature that will conclude the work we started last documentary and provide an explanation of the fact that the examination of the C14 who needs to be repeated. It's what I'm working harder at this time. (IlSussidiario)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Low H & H And Platelet
In Pakistan continues the massacre of Tomorrow
Some representatives of Christians in Pakistan have come to Rome to convey the suffering and fears caused by recent massacres. Two Dominican priests of the diocese of Faisalabad, p. Pascal Paulus and p. Iftikhar Moon, were the eyewitnesses of the murder of eight Christians and the burning of 70 houses in the village of Gojra last August 1. But the fear within the Catholic community has increased when, on August 28, five Christians have been killed by bullets in the center of Quetta (Balochistan). The two priests, who bore witness to "Zenit" (September 11, 2009), exercise their ministry in the parish of the Holy Rosary of Faisalabad, which was burned. Father Pascal Paulus explained that, in spite of fear and threats, they return to Pakistan with enthusiasm, "because we proclaim Christ, our mission is to know Christ, the love of Christ, to encourage the love of our brothers." He also described the climate in which he carries out his ministry: "Pakistan is an Islamic republic where everything takes place according to the Muslim concept: people want an Islamic law, sharia, despite government attempts to establish democracy." The Dominican believes that the biggest problem faced by Christians anti-blasphemy laws are promulgated in 1991. Under these laws any desecration of the Koran is considered an offense and is punishable by imprisonment, and every insult to the prophet Mohammed is punishable by the death penalty. According to Father Paulus some Muslims use the pretext of alleged insults to the Prophet or the Koran desecration, based on their testimonies, to appropriate the property of Christians. P. Paulus admits that under these circumstances, be aware that they could die with the people, as might have happened a few weeks ago. "On 30 July - told - has unleashed violence when a mob of angry Muslim fanatics armed and attacked the Christian colony of Korian not far from the town of Gojra, and destroyed the houses after they have been looted. Two days later, on August 1, eight Christians were burned alive. The mob had attacked a group of Christians, in which there were three children, three women and two men. Were looted and burnt down 70 houses of some Christians and desecrated two churches in Gojra. The angry crowd - he continued - has ransacked the houses, cut up Bibles and other holy books, crosses, destroyed, devastated and burned everything. To the Christians, whose houses were burned, not anymore. It must be said that the police in Gojra and other security forces did nothing to prevent these incidents and have neglected the appeal against Christians who had been launched at mosques. The police intervened when it was over and when it was too late, it is equally painful to see that the government is worried about an event so severe only 72 hours later, when Christians held a protest on the railway. " "Then - have said the two priests - the president of Pakistan, Prime Minister and the authorities in Punjab have condemned the attacks and the government announced that it would be granted compensation to rebuild the houses of these poor Christians." Only time, however, will tell us how valuable these promises. "Just when you felt abandoned - explained father Iftikhar Moon - were deeply comforted by the message of solidarity that the Pope delivered when he heard the news. " "It was for us a message of comfort and hope - said p. Moon - because we saw that the head of the Church is with us, talk to us. "Priests have launched an appeal to the solidarity of Christians around the world to put pressure against the laws of discrimination against minorities, particularly the anti-blasphemy law . "We appeal to human rights organizations around the world because they keep in mind these facts and take action in our government to protect Christians and other minorities," they said. "We, Christians of Pakistan, we do not feel safe in our country," confessed the two Dominican priests. (CorrispondenzaRomana)
Some representatives of Christians in Pakistan have come to Rome to convey the suffering and fears caused by recent massacres. Two Dominican priests of the diocese of Faisalabad, p. Pascal Paulus and p. Iftikhar Moon, were the eyewitnesses of the murder of eight Christians and the burning of 70 houses in the village of Gojra last August 1. But the fear within the Catholic community has increased when, on August 28, five Christians have been killed by bullets in the center of Quetta (Balochistan). The two priests, who bore witness to "Zenit" (September 11, 2009), exercise their ministry in the parish of the Holy Rosary of Faisalabad, which was burned. Father Pascal Paulus explained that, in spite of fear and threats, they return to Pakistan with enthusiasm, "because we proclaim Christ, our mission is to know Christ, the love of Christ, to encourage the love of our brothers." He also described the climate in which he carries out his ministry: "Pakistan is an Islamic republic where everything takes place according to the Muslim concept: people want an Islamic law, sharia, despite government attempts to establish democracy." The Dominican believes that the biggest problem faced by Christians anti-blasphemy laws are promulgated in 1991. Under these laws any desecration of the Koran is considered an offense and is punishable by imprisonment, and every insult to the prophet Mohammed is punishable by the death penalty. According to Father Paulus some Muslims use the pretext of alleged insults to the Prophet or the Koran desecration, based on their testimonies, to appropriate the property of Christians. P. Paulus admits that under these circumstances, be aware that they could die with the people, as might have happened a few weeks ago. "On 30 July - told - has unleashed violence when a mob of angry Muslim fanatics armed and attacked the Christian colony of Korian not far from the town of Gojra, and destroyed the houses after they have been looted. Two days later, on August 1, eight Christians were burned alive. The mob had attacked a group of Christians, in which there were three children, three women and two men. Were looted and burnt down 70 houses of some Christians and desecrated two churches in Gojra. The angry crowd - he continued - has ransacked the houses, cut up Bibles and other holy books, crosses, destroyed, devastated and burned everything. To the Christians, whose houses were burned, not anymore. It must be said that the police in Gojra and other security forces did nothing to prevent these incidents and have neglected the appeal against Christians who had been launched at mosques. The police intervened when it was over and when it was too late, it is equally painful to see that the government is worried about an event so severe only 72 hours later, when Christians held a protest on the railway. " "Then - have said the two priests - the president of Pakistan, Prime Minister and the authorities in Punjab have condemned the attacks and the government announced that it would be granted compensation to rebuild the houses of these poor Christians." Only time, however, will tell us how valuable these promises. "Just when you felt abandoned - explained father Iftikhar Moon - were deeply comforted by the message of solidarity that the Pope delivered when he heard the news. " "It was for us a message of comfort and hope - said p. Moon - because we saw that the head of the Church is with us, talk to us. "Priests have launched an appeal to the solidarity of Christians around the world to put pressure against the laws of discrimination against minorities, particularly the anti-blasphemy law . "We appeal to human rights organizations around the world because they keep in mind these facts and take action in our government to protect Christians and other minorities," they said. "We, Christians of Pakistan, we do not feel safe in our country," confessed the two Dominican priests. (CorrispondenzaRomana)
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Christians meeting in Rome on "The difference that makes God" with the card. Francis George (USA) Don
The Church can become a "point of reference not only for Catholics but for any individual," but on condition that "the beginning and end of all relations" and "our relationship with God." In this talk, Cardinal Francis Eugene George, Archbishop of Chicago and chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Conference, the presentation of his book entitled "The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture" to be held Wednesday, October 7 in Rome at the Pontifical Lateran University (at 18). The heart of the reflections of the cardinal, the awareness that the Church can and is called to "become a collector of identity among those who are separated by sex, race, nationality, since it is through it as a social entity that people can feel part of a whole in light of the fact that he had received the same "spiritual gift". Upon presentation of the book with the author, will take even Flavio Felice, a professor of economic doctrines and policies, and Robert Royal, president of Faith & Rean Institute in Washington. (Sir)
The Church can become a "point of reference not only for Catholics but for any individual," but on condition that "the beginning and end of all relations" and "our relationship with God." In this talk, Cardinal Francis Eugene George, Archbishop of Chicago and chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Conference, the presentation of his book entitled "The difference that makes God a Catholic perspective on faith, community and culture" to be held Wednesday, October 7 in Rome at the Pontifical Lateran University (at 18). The heart of the reflections of the cardinal, the awareness that the Church can and is called to "become a collector of identity among those who are separated by sex, race, nationality, since it is through it as a social entity that people can feel part of a whole in light of the fact that he had received the same "spiritual gift". Upon presentation of the book with the author, will take even Flavio Felice, a professor of economic doctrines and policies, and Robert Royal, president of Faith & Rean Institute in Washington. (Sir)
Monday, October 5, 2009
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Sturzo always chose to be a priest
excerpts Secretary-General of the intervention of the bishop of the Episcopal Conference of Italian
Mariano Crusade
I was struck by the opportunity given to us to reflect on the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo, his life, his thought, his works, while it is in full swing, the year of the priest chosen by our Holy Father Benedict XVI, 150 years after the death of St. John Vianney. At a superficial glance does not, in fact, it appears a number of unexpected similarities between the way the priest of Caltagirone and that of the Cure of Ars. Really a surprise: the tireless love for the priesthood, his complete devotion to the Eucharist as life-giving sacrament, the Church and obedience to superiors, the human fortress married to an infinite humility, he did suffer a health, courage to undertake new things, not stop his ministry building in the churchyard of worship ... But perhaps we are talking about the deeper truth of the ordained ministry, the same truth that we find in every true priest, we should be able to find any priest. A truth, that of the priestly service, which Sturzo Don outlined and that has contributed in no small part by his life to discover, or at least to reveal a significant portion of the people of God We realize this easily if we try to look the priest with the help of the Council documents. Since the beginning of Presbyterorum Ordinis the priest is called to its been serving the celebration, proclaiming the Word of God, to serve for the edification of the holy people. Everything we know about the life of Don Luigi Sturzo unfolds like a story from beginning to end unified by the constant priority given to the celebration of mass. He lived with an intensity made possible by a constant value of distinction from the rest of this sacramental action of the practices of devotion, not despised, but who knew how to size directing his life as a believer and a priest on what we now, thanks the council, we profess with renewed confidence as the source and summit of Christian life. When he was confronted with the alternative between ministerial service and other merit but and valuable commitments, Don Luigi Sturzo did what was required to remain what it has become: a priest. He taught us a way to grow the church and faith through the crucible of modernity and providential taught us a path to witness to the faith in the polis hitherto ignored, if not impossible or even considered wrong. If our faith and our Church breathe, breathe deeply if they know that these times of freedom and which allow us to almost force us, if faith is not afraid of consciousness, this is still on his own. How Rosmini, such as Manzoni, as Montini, Don Luis has helped us to explore new dimensions of that high standard of humanity that is holiness, often reminded us how John Paul II. And what's more, Don Luis has taught us that it is true that the Church can be built without lead, much can be done with little power. Which teaching and edifying testimony which has been able to remain on the service, the real and heavy, that often misunderstood, not what is mentioned only as it was a nickname given to offices, prestige, and visibility! We can ask if Don Sturzo was a model priest. It is hard to say. Certainly do not think it conceivable nor desirable in today's circumstances, a priest, secretary of the party. Perhaps this question is not particularly useful. Since it was a credible witness, and still is, and perhaps most of the time, a credible witness, who cares whether it may or may not be a model? We have not, perhaps now more than ever, need to believers and priests who know how to live faithfully in the imagination, choice, rather than the mere repetition? And if we ask this in mind, here is the memory of Don Luigi proves fruitful for the life here is that the instance of fidelity to the Gospel and the Church, which stands in front of each and every priest baptized, becomes more beautiful . That is a testimony of Don Luis fruitful and of great lesson not to the degree of repeatability of his experience, but for the intensity that it reached in some dimensions, and reached always looking in supernatural life the truth and the root of every plot and every moment of our earthly life. Don Luigi gives us measures of intensity that encourage us and comfort us all. Think of the intensity of his inner life. Especially young people should be informed about the scheme, realism and evangelical quality of his prayer life, for the most part hidden, not spectacularized. We can sometimes even scare the duration and depth dell'immergersi of Don Luis in the mystery of God from the word of God but not only from Scripture. How could we have to understand Don Sturzo if separate her passion for studying militant from his life of prayer? Perhaps this is a of the great challenges we face in the act of preparing to face the emergency in education. It should be an opposition to Christian prayer in the study? It should perhaps study of believers opposed to his prayer? As for St. Thomas, for this opposition Don Luigi had no legitimacy, while we, many times, we persist in building both devotional and anti-intellectualism on this harmful and misleading opposition! We think the intensity with which Don Luis has been able to live in obedience. How many careers, how much social life of all kinds Sturzo Don has been able to avoid it or leave it for obedience! Not blind obedience, obedience is not passive, strong obedience, obedience without flattery or renunciations. As the conflict has created in that obedience. With his life of freedom never denied, Don Sturzo gives us a measure of obedience that helps us making us first very, very humble. We still think the intensity with which Don Luis has lived the struggle, the agony of healthy competition. An inner struggle and the public. What little research of peace and consensus at all costs in his spiritual life, such as high infant and idea of \u200b\u200becclesial communion, a communion between people and free. We think - and this is the last mention, but I can not do - the intensity with which Don Luis has always sought the path of renewal, personal, ecclesiastical and civil. Think of how he managed to get open your mind and heart by Roman studies, how he managed to get pastoral experience and changing socio-politics of the early years after his return to Sicily, and finally, as she has become very hard to change the experience of exile - as still not stick firmly to his harsh denunciation of the three "evil beasts": state-charitable culture of public spending, party politics? Maybe Don Luigi will not be a repeatable model, but it certainly is a witness and a spur to a measure of high intensity in the inner life of an intensity in ecclesial obedience, the courage of competitive intensity, and intensity in the courage of renewal.
excerpts Secretary-General of the intervention of the bishop of the Episcopal Conference of Italian
Mariano Crusade
I was struck by the opportunity given to us to reflect on the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo, his life, his thought, his works, while it is in full swing, the year of the priest chosen by our Holy Father Benedict XVI, 150 years after the death of St. John Vianney. At a superficial glance does not, in fact, it appears a number of unexpected similarities between the way the priest of Caltagirone and that of the Cure of Ars. Really a surprise: the tireless love for the priesthood, his complete devotion to the Eucharist as life-giving sacrament, the Church and obedience to superiors, the human fortress married to an infinite humility, he did suffer a health, courage to undertake new things, not stop his ministry building in the churchyard of worship ... But perhaps we are talking about the deeper truth of the ordained ministry, the same truth that we find in every true priest, we should be able to find any priest. A truth, that of the priestly service, which Sturzo Don outlined and that has contributed in no small part by his life to discover, or at least to reveal a significant portion of the people of God We realize this easily if we try to look the priest with the help of the Council documents. Since the beginning of Presbyterorum Ordinis the priest is called to its been serving the celebration, proclaiming the Word of God, to serve for the edification of the holy people. Everything we know about the life of Don Luigi Sturzo unfolds like a story from beginning to end unified by the constant priority given to the celebration of mass. He lived with an intensity made possible by a constant value of distinction from the rest of this sacramental action of the practices of devotion, not despised, but who knew how to size directing his life as a believer and a priest on what we now, thanks the council, we profess with renewed confidence as the source and summit of Christian life. When he was confronted with the alternative between ministerial service and other merit but and valuable commitments, Don Luigi Sturzo did what was required to remain what it has become: a priest. He taught us a way to grow the church and faith through the crucible of modernity and providential taught us a path to witness to the faith in the polis hitherto ignored, if not impossible or even considered wrong. If our faith and our Church breathe, breathe deeply if they know that these times of freedom and which allow us to almost force us, if faith is not afraid of consciousness, this is still on his own. How Rosmini, such as Manzoni, as Montini, Don Luis has helped us to explore new dimensions of that high standard of humanity that is holiness, often reminded us how John Paul II. And what's more, Don Luis has taught us that it is true that the Church can be built without lead, much can be done with little power. Which teaching and edifying testimony which has been able to remain on the service, the real and heavy, that often misunderstood, not what is mentioned only as it was a nickname given to offices, prestige, and visibility! We can ask if Don Sturzo was a model priest. It is hard to say. Certainly do not think it conceivable nor desirable in today's circumstances, a priest, secretary of the party. Perhaps this question is not particularly useful. Since it was a credible witness, and still is, and perhaps most of the time, a credible witness, who cares whether it may or may not be a model? We have not, perhaps now more than ever, need to believers and priests who know how to live faithfully in the imagination, choice, rather than the mere repetition? And if we ask this in mind, here is the memory of Don Luigi proves fruitful for the life here is that the instance of fidelity to the Gospel and the Church, which stands in front of each and every priest baptized, becomes more beautiful . That is a testimony of Don Luis fruitful and of great lesson not to the degree of repeatability of his experience, but for the intensity that it reached in some dimensions, and reached always looking in supernatural life the truth and the root of every plot and every moment of our earthly life. Don Luigi gives us measures of intensity that encourage us and comfort us all. Think of the intensity of his inner life. Especially young people should be informed about the scheme, realism and evangelical quality of his prayer life, for the most part hidden, not spectacularized. We can sometimes even scare the duration and depth dell'immergersi of Don Luis in the mystery of God from the word of God but not only from Scripture. How could we have to understand Don Sturzo if separate her passion for studying militant from his life of prayer? Perhaps this is a of the great challenges we face in the act of preparing to face the emergency in education. It should be an opposition to Christian prayer in the study? It should perhaps study of believers opposed to his prayer? As for St. Thomas, for this opposition Don Luigi had no legitimacy, while we, many times, we persist in building both devotional and anti-intellectualism on this harmful and misleading opposition! We think the intensity with which Don Luis has been able to live in obedience. How many careers, how much social life of all kinds Sturzo Don has been able to avoid it or leave it for obedience! Not blind obedience, obedience is not passive, strong obedience, obedience without flattery or renunciations. As the conflict has created in that obedience. With his life of freedom never denied, Don Sturzo gives us a measure of obedience that helps us making us first very, very humble. We still think the intensity with which Don Luis has lived the struggle, the agony of healthy competition. An inner struggle and the public. What little research of peace and consensus at all costs in his spiritual life, such as high infant and idea of \u200b\u200becclesial communion, a communion between people and free. We think - and this is the last mention, but I can not do - the intensity with which Don Luis has always sought the path of renewal, personal, ecclesiastical and civil. Think of how he managed to get open your mind and heart by Roman studies, how he managed to get pastoral experience and changing socio-politics of the early years after his return to Sicily, and finally, as she has become very hard to change the experience of exile - as still not stick firmly to his harsh denunciation of the three "evil beasts": state-charitable culture of public spending, party politics? Maybe Don Luigi will not be a repeatable model, but it certainly is a witness and a spur to a measure of high intensity in the inner life of an intensity in ecclesial obedience, the courage of competitive intensity, and intensity in the courage of renewal.
How To Write Sympathy Message In Spanish
Message for Europe Conference of Presidents of the 36 eiscopali
(Paris) - "The construction of Europe is truly an adventure worth living. Everyone there can find their place, the presence of everyone is waiting. More than ever, the road opens before us. This is no time to slow down or stop the march to the edge of the path. " So write the presidents of 36 European Bishops' Conferences in the final message of the Assembly, which ended in Paris yesterday morning with a Mass at Notre Dame. Gathered in the French capital for the annual meeting sponsored by the CCEE (Council of European Bishops' Conferences) cardinals and bishops have addressed the issue of church-state relationship in Europe. "Twenty years ago - remember - we have witnessed a great moment: the fall of the Berlin Wall. This event, intended to mark the history is not checked as a meteorite fallen from the sky. It has been prepared by men of conviction and courage that have not been pulled back for lack of freedom. " The message is the memory of those who "risked their lives and fought for this freedom:" Solidarnosc "," struggles for greater solidarity and greater respect for human dignity "in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, but also "the leading role of Pope John Paul II and his far-sighted vision of a Europe-based foundations of faith, the common good and peace. " "So many - continue - have glimpsed in the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of many other walls: those of hatred, fear, lies and ruthless ideology". A "new freedom" which "was an occasion of grace for the Church", which "have found a freedom of action, ed'evangelizzazione organization." The bishops acknowledge that "this process has not yet completed in all countries and conflicts from the past are not yet resolved, however, highlight the" path taken in the last twenty years, " "Great stepping stone for the European adventure." The document cites the occasions of encounter between "citizens" who "re-read their history together," but also "the wave of immigration that has marked some European countries", which "has certainly helped to promote a certain welfare, but has also given rise to new difficulties, separating families and forcing them to uproot themselves from their context of living. " "Twenty years later - keep the representatives of the Episcopal Conferences - note that this extraordinary momentum in Europe, with a strong ethical connotation, it was greatly weakened. The strong abstention rate during the last European parliamentary elections is an important indicator in this regard. The hopes placed in the building of Europe have not really done so far. " Among the "factors" which led in that direction, the first message identifies "an increase in consumption", but "the acquisition of goods are always new," denounced the CCEE, "can never fill the human heart ". Second, the individualism of a society that "wants to give much space as possible to the individual, his choices and the pursuit of his personal development," but runs the risk of locked up solely in the defense of its interests or benefits obtained. " In this respect it notes that "a society in which everyone, every group, every country defends its own interests can not only be a jungle." Third, ethical relativism, about which the document expresses concern "because of numerous bills in our countries or the European institutions, which are contrary to the true good of man and society." After analyzing the difficulties, the hope: "The crisis that Europe is facing today is serious. The decline in the birth rate and the future of its demographics do not push certain optimism. However, we do not want to play the part of the prophets of doom. Is never sure that things get worse! Our faith leads us to have on European society in which we live, a clear and full of hope. " "We see - say cardinals and bishops who attended the meeting of the CCEE - many of our contemporaries in the aspiration for a life that is a source of inner peace, joy and confidence. Many young people are willing to strive for greater solidarity and brotherhood in the world. To promote the common good and respect our environment, many men and women declare their readiness to make sacrifices, provided they are equitably shared. The defense of life from conception to natural death, is not a lost cause. " To support these claims is not "a great human being," but "a vision of man" which is the Gospel and that "today as yesterday, we put at the service of building Europe." Therefore, they conclude, "the construction of the adventure that is truly worth living." (Sir)
(Paris) - "The construction of Europe is truly an adventure worth living. Everyone there can find their place, the presence of everyone is waiting. More than ever, the road opens before us. This is no time to slow down or stop the march to the edge of the path. " So write the presidents of 36 European Bishops' Conferences in the final message of the Assembly, which ended in Paris yesterday morning with a Mass at Notre Dame. Gathered in the French capital for the annual meeting sponsored by the CCEE (Council of European Bishops' Conferences) cardinals and bishops have addressed the issue of church-state relationship in Europe. "Twenty years ago - remember - we have witnessed a great moment: the fall of the Berlin Wall. This event, intended to mark the history is not checked as a meteorite fallen from the sky. It has been prepared by men of conviction and courage that have not been pulled back for lack of freedom. " The message is the memory of those who "risked their lives and fought for this freedom:" Solidarnosc "," struggles for greater solidarity and greater respect for human dignity "in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, but also "the leading role of Pope John Paul II and his far-sighted vision of a Europe-based foundations of faith, the common good and peace. " "So many - continue - have glimpsed in the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of many other walls: those of hatred, fear, lies and ruthless ideology". A "new freedom" which "was an occasion of grace for the Church", which "have found a freedom of action, ed'evangelizzazione organization." The bishops acknowledge that "this process has not yet completed in all countries and conflicts from the past are not yet resolved, however, highlight the" path taken in the last twenty years, " "Great stepping stone for the European adventure." The document cites the occasions of encounter between "citizens" who "re-read their history together," but also "the wave of immigration that has marked some European countries", which "has certainly helped to promote a certain welfare, but has also given rise to new difficulties, separating families and forcing them to uproot themselves from their context of living. " "Twenty years later - keep the representatives of the Episcopal Conferences - note that this extraordinary momentum in Europe, with a strong ethical connotation, it was greatly weakened. The strong abstention rate during the last European parliamentary elections is an important indicator in this regard. The hopes placed in the building of Europe have not really done so far. " Among the "factors" which led in that direction, the first message identifies "an increase in consumption", but "the acquisition of goods are always new," denounced the CCEE, "can never fill the human heart ". Second, the individualism of a society that "wants to give much space as possible to the individual, his choices and the pursuit of his personal development," but runs the risk of locked up solely in the defense of its interests or benefits obtained. " In this respect it notes that "a society in which everyone, every group, every country defends its own interests can not only be a jungle." Third, ethical relativism, about which the document expresses concern "because of numerous bills in our countries or the European institutions, which are contrary to the true good of man and society." After analyzing the difficulties, the hope: "The crisis that Europe is facing today is serious. The decline in the birth rate and the future of its demographics do not push certain optimism. However, we do not want to play the part of the prophets of doom. Is never sure that things get worse! Our faith leads us to have on European society in which we live, a clear and full of hope. " "We see - say cardinals and bishops who attended the meeting of the CCEE - many of our contemporaries in the aspiration for a life that is a source of inner peace, joy and confidence. Many young people are willing to strive for greater solidarity and brotherhood in the world. To promote the common good and respect our environment, many men and women declare their readiness to make sacrifices, provided they are equitably shared. The defense of life from conception to natural death, is not a lost cause. " To support these claims is not "a great human being," but "a vision of man" which is the Gospel and that "today as yesterday, we put at the service of building Europe." Therefore, they conclude, "the construction of the adventure that is truly worth living." (Sir)
How Long Should Weaved Ha
The meeting of a thousand priests in Ars. Schonborn, "We are witnesses of mercy"
"You are witnesses of mercy. The men of the world tut-to implore the mercy of God. " With the thousands of priests who had come to Ars from all coun-is at the withdrawal of the priesthood, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn pick up words of Gio-vanni Paolo II, spoken in Po-Lonia in 2002. Strong words, almost, Schönborn says, "a testament" to the priests left. Words that shake in the basilica of Ars-is this group of priests - whites, blacks, Vietnamese, Indians, or come here from distant Pacific islands - which in no small country French meditation on "The joy of being priests." A title against the backdrop of a crisis of vocations and secularization-tion that deals with the priesthood at least in Europe. Scenario that the ar-Archbishop of Vienna does not hide, "We are in this diocese France - he says - in which the priest as it should-it is the bishop. " Yet. Yet in Ars, in memory of the saint cured me-that of AN-no priest is the center, are a visible excitement and vitality that amazed the observer. So-no six Chinese priests, the very young, they tell you their hopes for the Church are the monks in the early morning boys who walk the streets with open breviary in his hand. Schönborn speaks as a brother of them. Also gives them memories-person, almost confession. As when, to say the essence of prayer, recalls his years as a young Dominican, "The post-conciliar crisis was for us young priests, in the '60s, as a tsunami wave. We were convinced that only the action had to re-renew the Church. I took too much to let-tera this idea, and I stopped to pray. At first I felt relief: the Office, before the Council, it was so long. But little by little, the religious life seemed to lose direction, spiritual things fade. After a year, my vocation wavered. It was the crisis of prayer, the dram-but my generation of priests. Those years are now gone. But the priest must never lose the a-bitudine of praying. " "I know - con-tinues Schönborn - We all struggle with time, time that man-ca, and that must be found in day-born. But think how long it will take away the TV and the Internet, as emptiness and eventually leave us. Look, rather than spend hours alone on a computer, make a game of cards with friends. Fa mol-to well, it's a great way to stay to-gether, "smiles the Cardinal. Being together, not alone. It is a topic that Schönborn back. It urges the priests to have a-cats to share the hardships. "A challenge of the priesthood in the XXI century - he says - will, I believe, to find ways of living together, or co-RONMENT of Close. " But solitude is not only undermines the pre-ti. In Vienna, "more than half of people living alone." It seems well known, the archbishop, the great loneliness of his city, full of old and with so few children. Yet. Yet men are still in need of priests. "It cer-sion in our managers, nor of the great preachers. Simply look of men of God cu-rato d'Ars was a simple man. But his parishioners said, was ba-stand by him, to feel better u-mini. " Already, the parish priest of Ars, a poor priest in a village of 230 souls after the storm of the Revolution, the wing-ba in the confessional, for the entire day-no among the people with his frock-know them. Witness mercy. Schönborn to the thousands who hear silence: "Only in the light of the I-sericordia of God we can re-look into the face of our misery. If there is a perception of mercy of God, not men-Tano withstand the truth. In a world without mercy all tend to self-justify, and blame others. And when we realize our misery, we are tempted of discouragement and despair. " The sacrament of mercy, confession, Cardinal dedicates a large teaching (we write a Part, ed.) But the priests still appli-from the heart of their own ministry-I. "Without the Eucharist, the non-priests of our life would lack its center," he says. That sacrifice what, exhort, to celebrate in silence. "I myself, I confess, I often arrive late in the sacristy, taken from the thoughts. Let us pause to pray at least while dressed in the vestments. As Gogol said, "At that moment the priest wearing the robes, to stand by himself." So for example, to show-night, now, in persona Christi. " And I ask you, let a moment of silence after Communion at Mass. We chased the silence the liturgy. How much do we need in-stead. " And another picture Schönborn extracts from the memoirs. "1961, I was 16. I went with the parish pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo-ni. I felt so alien to popular piety, which disturbed me in the crowd shouted at four in the morning already calling this brother. Then, I saw him celebrate Mass. Never seen before and since, a Mass like that. I had the impression that you-ing the reality of Christ's sacrifice, as if the veil of the Sacramento-fos if dropped. Then, in the sacristy, in-between that you've had the privilege of kissing her hand. " The thousand listen intently. Co-me renewed in me an army-memory of its origin, and what they are called. Journalists in the press conference insisted:-and the crisis of vocations? And the reasons for the bachelor-to? They Schönborn responds: "I believe that vocations in reality there is-no, and many. Often they do not vest because of a climate of indecision that plagues society for young people. As for the wedding. Meet men of 40 years who enter the seminary. Even at 20 years had desired, but no one had helped them understand. God, I believe, is always calling. The prob-lem is know how to listen. Look then in many young co-movements and Christian communities, how many vo-cations. Let us ask ourselves why there are there. We do not like some years ago that my brother was complaining-no lack of courage of the young, and did not realize that their own lifestyle cen-Larizza, their 'horizontal theology that' it could not remove them- '. And celibacy, Eminence - pursues a journalist - the reasons for celibacy? Schönborn: "The priest makes this choice voluntarily, in a perspective of availability to God and man. Following the example of Christ. Who chose that path, giving himself entirely to God and his mission. That this choice is pos-sible, we see it in vi-ta of many priests. " But, and yet with a profession of Schönborn here at Ars, for its priests, the Archbishop of Vienna pre-ar-ga. "Every night my ULTI-but prayer is for them. Then, of course, as the prayer is extended to all who are in distress. I think the prison-rati, abused women, children beat-you. For drug addicts, prostitutes, to the hoped-vo-glia no longer live. Prayer then becomes shared-sion of the soft-ence of Christ in Gethsemane. And only the pain of plunging uo-mini abyss of the love of Christ-I am, my prayer for you last evening prayer of confidence. " (Future)
"You are witnesses of mercy. The men of the world tut-to implore the mercy of God. " With the thousands of priests who had come to Ars from all coun-is at the withdrawal of the priesthood, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn pick up words of Gio-vanni Paolo II, spoken in Po-Lonia in 2002. Strong words, almost, Schönborn says, "a testament" to the priests left. Words that shake in the basilica of Ars-is this group of priests - whites, blacks, Vietnamese, Indians, or come here from distant Pacific islands - which in no small country French meditation on "The joy of being priests." A title against the backdrop of a crisis of vocations and secularization-tion that deals with the priesthood at least in Europe. Scenario that the ar-Archbishop of Vienna does not hide, "We are in this diocese France - he says - in which the priest as it should-it is the bishop. " Yet. Yet in Ars, in memory of the saint cured me-that of AN-no priest is the center, are a visible excitement and vitality that amazed the observer. So-no six Chinese priests, the very young, they tell you their hopes for the Church are the monks in the early morning boys who walk the streets with open breviary in his hand. Schönborn speaks as a brother of them. Also gives them memories-person, almost confession. As when, to say the essence of prayer, recalls his years as a young Dominican, "The post-conciliar crisis was for us young priests, in the '60s, as a tsunami wave. We were convinced that only the action had to re-renew the Church. I took too much to let-tera this idea, and I stopped to pray. At first I felt relief: the Office, before the Council, it was so long. But little by little, the religious life seemed to lose direction, spiritual things fade. After a year, my vocation wavered. It was the crisis of prayer, the dram-but my generation of priests. Those years are now gone. But the priest must never lose the a-bitudine of praying. " "I know - con-tinues Schönborn - We all struggle with time, time that man-ca, and that must be found in day-born. But think how long it will take away the TV and the Internet, as emptiness and eventually leave us. Look, rather than spend hours alone on a computer, make a game of cards with friends. Fa mol-to well, it's a great way to stay to-gether, "smiles the Cardinal. Being together, not alone. It is a topic that Schönborn back. It urges the priests to have a-cats to share the hardships. "A challenge of the priesthood in the XXI century - he says - will, I believe, to find ways of living together, or co-RONMENT of Close. " But solitude is not only undermines the pre-ti. In Vienna, "more than half of people living alone." It seems well known, the archbishop, the great loneliness of his city, full of old and with so few children. Yet. Yet men are still in need of priests. "It cer-sion in our managers, nor of the great preachers. Simply look of men of God cu-rato d'Ars was a simple man. But his parishioners said, was ba-stand by him, to feel better u-mini. " Already, the parish priest of Ars, a poor priest in a village of 230 souls after the storm of the Revolution, the wing-ba in the confessional, for the entire day-no among the people with his frock-know them. Witness mercy. Schönborn to the thousands who hear silence: "Only in the light of the I-sericordia of God we can re-look into the face of our misery. If there is a perception of mercy of God, not men-Tano withstand the truth. In a world without mercy all tend to self-justify, and blame others. And when we realize our misery, we are tempted of discouragement and despair. " The sacrament of mercy, confession, Cardinal dedicates a large teaching (we write a Part, ed.) But the priests still appli-from the heart of their own ministry-I. "Without the Eucharist, the non-priests of our life would lack its center," he says. That sacrifice what, exhort, to celebrate in silence. "I myself, I confess, I often arrive late in the sacristy, taken from the thoughts. Let us pause to pray at least while dressed in the vestments. As Gogol said, "At that moment the priest wearing the robes, to stand by himself." So for example, to show-night, now, in persona Christi. " And I ask you, let a moment of silence after Communion at Mass. We chased the silence the liturgy. How much do we need in-stead. " And another picture Schönborn extracts from the memoirs. "1961, I was 16. I went with the parish pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo-ni. I felt so alien to popular piety, which disturbed me in the crowd shouted at four in the morning already calling this brother. Then, I saw him celebrate Mass. Never seen before and since, a Mass like that. I had the impression that you-ing the reality of Christ's sacrifice, as if the veil of the Sacramento-fos if dropped. Then, in the sacristy, in-between that you've had the privilege of kissing her hand. " The thousand listen intently. Co-me renewed in me an army-memory of its origin, and what they are called. Journalists in the press conference insisted:-and the crisis of vocations? And the reasons for the bachelor-to? They Schönborn responds: "I believe that vocations in reality there is-no, and many. Often they do not vest because of a climate of indecision that plagues society for young people. As for the wedding. Meet men of 40 years who enter the seminary. Even at 20 years had desired, but no one had helped them understand. God, I believe, is always calling. The prob-lem is know how to listen. Look then in many young co-movements and Christian communities, how many vo-cations. Let us ask ourselves why there are there. We do not like some years ago that my brother was complaining-no lack of courage of the young, and did not realize that their own lifestyle cen-Larizza, their 'horizontal theology that' it could not remove them- '. And celibacy, Eminence - pursues a journalist - the reasons for celibacy? Schönborn: "The priest makes this choice voluntarily, in a perspective of availability to God and man. Following the example of Christ. Who chose that path, giving himself entirely to God and his mission. That this choice is pos-sible, we see it in vi-ta of many priests. " But, and yet with a profession of Schönborn here at Ars, for its priests, the Archbishop of Vienna pre-ar-ga. "Every night my ULTI-but prayer is for them. Then, of course, as the prayer is extended to all who are in distress. I think the prison-rati, abused women, children beat-you. For drug addicts, prostitutes, to the hoped-vo-glia no longer live. Prayer then becomes shared-sion of the soft-ence of Christ in Gethsemane. And only the pain of plunging uo-mini abyss of the love of Christ-I am, my prayer for you last evening prayer of confidence. " (Future)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tensioned Wire Shower Curtain Rail
The consequence of the so-called 'crime of homophobia'
Roberto de Mattei
is being discussed in the House the bill n. C-1568 against homophobia, submitted by the Democratic Party, before signing Paola Conca. The proposal provides for the inclusion in the Penal Code for "crimes committed for purposes of discrimination or hatred based on sexual orientation or gender identity." With the support of the PDL, or cross-cutting areas of it, the draft, lying in the House Judiciary Committee since last January, might have accelerated and quickly switch to another branch of Parliament to be signed into law. The text has already won the support of the Commission President Justice Giulia Bongiorno (PDL), which, contrary to custom, were entrusted with the task of speaker at the same concerts, and the Minister for Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna, the second where the line of the government and its Ministry is to provide for aggravating offenses for purposes of discrimination sessuale.L 'initiative incorporates a European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2006 in which homophobia is defined as "a fear and aversion irrational towards homosexuality and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people based on prejudice. " As the "injury" means any moral judgments contrary to homosexuality and sexual deviations in the field. When it is expressed in public speeches or writings that do not pose a plane of absolute equality every tendency and sexual orientation, can be regarded as contrary to respect for human rights and be subject to criminal penalties. The same principle is expressed in art. 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the citizens of Nice, made legally binding by the Treaty of European Lisbona.Se this law was passed, and if applied consistently, it would be impossible, or at least risky, criticize homosexuality and present the natural family as "superior" to homosexual unions. Ecclesiastical institution may not refuse to appoint as his representative a person who does not face the mystery of his homosexual tendencies. No State, but no church could refuse to celebrate a marriage of same-sex couples. Catechisms, and sacred books that condemn homosexuality as a sin "against nature" could be withdrawn from commercio.Se not yet know the future direction of the new European Parliament, the United States, June 29, 2009 President Obama has received in the House White around 250 leaders and activists of the main organizations gay, lesbian and transgender people, during the 40 years since the birth of the movement for homosexual rights. Obama himself, in an interview published by Future on July 3, said the gay and lesbian community in the United States is "hurt by some of the teachings of the Catholic Church and Christian doctrine in general." Obama's position on the crucial issues of moral nature is known to be antithetical to the Church and other Christian denominations, the American president and American propaganda effort, even abroad, his "messianic" syncretism. It is bound to have repercussions in Italy and Europe influencing the decisions of our men our politici.Nel Country still there is no crime of "homophobia", but the applied social censure against others that express its distaste for the vice against nature is violent and immediate. The attitude of all those who profess the natural law, Catholic or not, is more cautious and measured in expressions. How many bishops, or priests, who, exercising their pastoral ministry, are willing to remember that homosexuality is a sin that, in the words of the Catechism of Saint Pius X, "cries out vengeance before God"? How many among the supporters of the rediscovery of the scriptural and patristic texts, would own the words of fire that Sacred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church branded the homosexual as an 'abomination' (Leviticus 20.13)? The fear is to fall under the guillotine of the "politically correct", as happened to Rocco Buttiglione, the European Commissioner in 2004 not just because of his moral convictions on . In the recent "Boffo case, neither the press nor the Catholic secular or secularist, he wanted to go thoroughly into the alleged homosexuality of the Director of Future, to clear him or charge him, because it would mean acceptance of the fact that homosexuality is still a" guilt ". The 'self-censorship "is palpable, because there is a" lobby "homosexual nested everywhere and ready everywhere to unleash media lynching. Il Giornale of September 3, Luigi Mascheroni has highlighted the power of the GLBT, the acronym used to refer to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, "A rich and powerful lobby. Indeed, according to a dossier on the 2006 issue of Time, rich: the international gay lobby, which has its strongholds in New York, Washington, San Francisco and Brussels, is becoming increasingly influential. Receives funding from both major American corporations, both by governments and international institutions, often in the form of donations to NGOs and funds to fight AIDS. " The political and economic power of the homosexual groups, according Mascheroni, is to influence the institutions and customs, as in Italy you try, not only through the role of associations such as Arcigay Arcilesbica and, above all thanks to the influence exerted by people of homosexual orientation in key sectors of society, such as the arts, the politics, spettacolo.La fashion, television and cinema are the privileged sectors of society homosexual lobby. At the last Venice Film Festival, which ended last Sept. 12, the recurring theme of the film festival was homosexuality. Before the screening of the film, A Single Man Tom Ford, who won the Queer Lion awarded to the best work from the community Gay man, lesbian or trans, Honorary President Arcigay Franco Grillini and some politicians of the left have held a sit-in against homophobia. Anyone wishing to dismiss these events as folk episodes, ignores the fact that the Revolution against Christian morality, in the last forty years, has advanced precisely through the dialectic between symbolic gestures, provocative and parliamentary initiatives aimed at widening the consent to lukewarm and "moderate" . If the offense against homophobia, the then Prime Minister D'Alema tried in vain to force in November 2009, was passed by the center-right government, would be a scandal and an opportunity for deep reflection on the Catholic electorate, continuously betrayed by their own representatives on behalf dell'aberrante principle of "politically correct".
Roberto de Mattei
is being discussed in the House the bill n. C-1568 against homophobia, submitted by the Democratic Party, before signing Paola Conca. The proposal provides for the inclusion in the Penal Code for "crimes committed for purposes of discrimination or hatred based on sexual orientation or gender identity." With the support of the PDL, or cross-cutting areas of it, the draft, lying in the House Judiciary Committee since last January, might have accelerated and quickly switch to another branch of Parliament to be signed into law. The text has already won the support of the Commission President Justice Giulia Bongiorno (PDL), which, contrary to custom, were entrusted with the task of speaker at the same concerts, and the Minister for Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna, the second where the line of the government and its Ministry is to provide for aggravating offenses for purposes of discrimination sessuale.L 'initiative incorporates a European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2006 in which homophobia is defined as "a fear and aversion irrational towards homosexuality and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people based on prejudice. " As the "injury" means any moral judgments contrary to homosexuality and sexual deviations in the field. When it is expressed in public speeches or writings that do not pose a plane of absolute equality every tendency and sexual orientation, can be regarded as contrary to respect for human rights and be subject to criminal penalties. The same principle is expressed in art. 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the citizens of Nice, made legally binding by the Treaty of European Lisbona.Se this law was passed, and if applied consistently, it would be impossible, or at least risky, criticize homosexuality and present the natural family as "superior" to homosexual unions. Ecclesiastical institution may not refuse to appoint as his representative a person who does not face the mystery of his homosexual tendencies. No State, but no church could refuse to celebrate a marriage of same-sex couples. Catechisms, and sacred books that condemn homosexuality as a sin "against nature" could be withdrawn from commercio.Se not yet know the future direction of the new European Parliament, the United States, June 29, 2009 President Obama has received in the House White around 250 leaders and activists of the main organizations gay, lesbian and transgender people, during the 40 years since the birth of the movement for homosexual rights. Obama himself, in an interview published by Future on July 3, said the gay and lesbian community in the United States is "hurt by some of the teachings of the Catholic Church and Christian doctrine in general." Obama's position on the crucial issues of moral nature is known to be antithetical to the Church and other Christian denominations, the American president and American propaganda effort, even abroad, his "messianic" syncretism. It is bound to have repercussions in Italy and Europe influencing the decisions of our men our politici.Nel Country still there is no crime of "homophobia", but the applied social censure against others that express its distaste for the vice against nature is violent and immediate. The attitude of all those who profess the natural law, Catholic or not, is more cautious and measured in expressions. How many bishops, or priests, who, exercising their pastoral ministry, are willing to remember that homosexuality is a sin that, in the words of the Catechism of Saint Pius X, "cries out vengeance before God"? How many among the supporters of the rediscovery of the scriptural and patristic texts, would own the words of fire that Sacred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church branded the homosexual as an 'abomination' (Leviticus 20.13)? The fear is to fall under the guillotine of the "politically correct", as happened to Rocco Buttiglione, the European Commissioner in 2004 not just because of his moral convictions on . In the recent "Boffo case, neither the press nor the Catholic secular or secularist, he wanted to go thoroughly into the alleged homosexuality of the Director of Future, to clear him or charge him, because it would mean acceptance of the fact that homosexuality is still a" guilt ". The 'self-censorship "is palpable, because there is a" lobby "homosexual nested everywhere and ready everywhere to unleash media lynching. Il Giornale of September 3, Luigi Mascheroni has highlighted the power of the GLBT, the acronym used to refer to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, "A rich and powerful lobby. Indeed, according to a dossier on the 2006 issue of Time, rich: the international gay lobby, which has its strongholds in New York, Washington, San Francisco and Brussels, is becoming increasingly influential. Receives funding from both major American corporations, both by governments and international institutions, often in the form of donations to NGOs and funds to fight AIDS. " The political and economic power of the homosexual groups, according Mascheroni, is to influence the institutions and customs, as in Italy you try, not only through the role of associations such as Arcigay Arcilesbica and, above all thanks to the influence exerted by people of homosexual orientation in key sectors of society, such as the arts, the politics, spettacolo.La fashion, television and cinema are the privileged sectors of society homosexual lobby. At the last Venice Film Festival, which ended last Sept. 12, the recurring theme of the film festival was homosexuality. Before the screening of the film, A Single Man Tom Ford, who won the Queer Lion awarded to the best work from the community Gay man, lesbian or trans, Honorary President Arcigay Franco Grillini and some politicians of the left have held a sit-in against homophobia. Anyone wishing to dismiss these events as folk episodes, ignores the fact that the Revolution against Christian morality, in the last forty years, has advanced precisely through the dialectic between symbolic gestures, provocative and parliamentary initiatives aimed at widening the consent to lukewarm and "moderate" . If the offense against homophobia, the then Prime Minister D'Alema tried in vain to force in November 2009, was passed by the center-right government, would be a scandal and an opportunity for deep reflection on the Catholic electorate, continuously betrayed by their own representatives on behalf dell'aberrante principle of "politically correct".
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Islam: Thousands of Muslims gather to pray before the U.S. Congress
Some 3,000 Muslims gathered Sept. 25 in Washington to an unusual feature in the shadow of the Palace of Congress americano.Vestita of colored robes, scarves and various fabrics, the crowd seemed happy to be able to pray in a place so town. Many have been photographed with the Congress behind him. "What we did today we could not do in a Muslim country - said the organizer of the rally Imam Abdul Malik, of Brooklyn, who spoke for 40 minutes -. If one were to pray before the royal palace would stop him. " The organizers, who expected 50,000 Muslims in Dar-ul-Islam, a mosque in Elizabeth, NJ, had set up a website,, on which he proclaimed, "Our time has come." "This event is truly historic - Amina Haqq said in New York - I'm happy to have seen Islam being treated as part of America. American society is not a Judeo-Christian, is a Judeo-Christian-Muslim. " Sadar Shaw, a resident of Washington, has brought her husband Eric and two children. "This is a demonstration of solidarity to show that Muslims are not only terrorists but also law-abiding citizens," he said. "We believe in the potential of America - said the imam Malik -, we have not come to criticize our country. We want Americans to know that we love. " But his Facebook page contained a message a bit 'different' Democracy is not a revelation, and democracy is not equal freedom, "says one of his warnings. And again: "Because democracy has slavery, homosexuality, lesbianism, gambling, you have all the vices that are against the spirit of truth, so we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy! Is this what we want. " Imam Malik, who in Facebook photos is wearing Western clothes, arrived at the rally on Friday, dressed as a Saudi sheik, with a long white robe and black robe embroidered over another gold and a white headdress - called "ghutra" - tied to a double black rope known as "Igal". Obama thanked the President for having inspired during his presidential campaign last year and told his co-religionists that they are "a great blessing for America" \u200b\u200band at the same time exhorted him not to clash with non-believers (Washington Times, September 26, 2009).
Some 3,000 Muslims gathered Sept. 25 in Washington to an unusual feature in the shadow of the Palace of Congress americano.Vestita of colored robes, scarves and various fabrics, the crowd seemed happy to be able to pray in a place so town. Many have been photographed with the Congress behind him. "What we did today we could not do in a Muslim country - said the organizer of the rally Imam Abdul Malik, of Brooklyn, who spoke for 40 minutes -. If one were to pray before the royal palace would stop him. " The organizers, who expected 50,000 Muslims in Dar-ul-Islam, a mosque in Elizabeth, NJ, had set up a website,, on which he proclaimed, "Our time has come." "This event is truly historic - Amina Haqq said in New York - I'm happy to have seen Islam being treated as part of America. American society is not a Judeo-Christian, is a Judeo-Christian-Muslim. " Sadar Shaw, a resident of Washington, has brought her husband Eric and two children. "This is a demonstration of solidarity to show that Muslims are not only terrorists but also law-abiding citizens," he said. "We believe in the potential of America - said the imam Malik -, we have not come to criticize our country. We want Americans to know that we love. " But his Facebook page contained a message a bit 'different' Democracy is not a revelation, and democracy is not equal freedom, "says one of his warnings. And again: "Because democracy has slavery, homosexuality, lesbianism, gambling, you have all the vices that are against the spirit of truth, so we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy! Is this what we want. " Imam Malik, who in Facebook photos is wearing Western clothes, arrived at the rally on Friday, dressed as a Saudi sheik, with a long white robe and black robe embroidered over another gold and a white headdress - called "ghutra" - tied to a double black rope known as "Igal". Obama thanked the President for having inspired during his presidential campaign last year and told his co-religionists that they are "a great blessing for America" \u200b\u200band at the same time exhorted him not to clash with non-believers (Washington Times, September 26, 2009).
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Crusade Bishop, Don Sturzo a 'reliable witness' for the world today
"Don Luigi, as every priest should has been spent to build the people, and to be a companion to men and women of good will. " With these words, Mgr. Marian Crusade, general secretary of the IEC, said the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo, the center of an international conference that opened today in Catania (until October 4). "We today - said Msgr. Crusade - we know the length, height, depth and width of the Christian life, part of which we were shown, there has been thrown open by the work and thought, from the life of Don Luis. If our faith and our Church breathe, breathe deeply if they know that these times of freedom and which allow us to almost force us, if faith is not afraid of consciousness, this is still on her. " In particular, the Secretary-General of the CEI, "Don Luis has taught us that it is true that the Church can be built without a lead, you can do with very little power." "Of course I do not think it is conceivable nor desirable in today's circumstances, a priest's party secretary," said Msgr. Crusade, Don Sturzo defining a "credible witness", whose "testimony fruitful" We still need to "experience the loyalty imagination, choice, rather than the mere repetition."
"How can we understand Don Sturzo militant if separate her passion for the study of his life of prayer? "he asked Msgr. Crusade, that of Don Sturzo mentioned the 'intensity' that 'has been able to live in obedience ":" How many careers, how much of the sophistication of any kind Sturzo Don has been able to avoid it or leave it for obedience! Not blind obedience, obedience is not passive, a strong obedience, an obedience without flattery or renunciations. As the conflict has created in that obedience. With his life of freedom never denied, Don Sturzo gives us a measure of obedience that helps us making us first very, very humble. " Then there is the "struggle interior and public "felt by Caltagirone priest:" What little research of peace and consensus at all costs in his spiritual life, such as high infant and idea of \u200b\u200becclesial communion, a communion between people and free ". Finally, Mgr. Crusade focused on the "intensity with which Don Luis has always sought the path of renewal, personal, ecclesiastical, civil, even experiencing" very harsh experience of exile. " "Maybe Don Luigi will not be a repeatable model - concluded the Secretary General of the CEI - but it certainly is a witness and encouragement to a measure of high intensity in the inner life of obedience intensity Church, in the courage of competitive intensity, and intensity in the courage of renewal.
"Don Luigi, as every priest should has been spent to build the people, and to be a companion to men and women of good will. " With these words, Mgr. Marian Crusade, general secretary of the IEC, said the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo, the center of an international conference that opened today in Catania (until October 4). "We today - said Msgr. Crusade - we know the length, height, depth and width of the Christian life, part of which we were shown, there has been thrown open by the work and thought, from the life of Don Luis. If our faith and our Church breathe, breathe deeply if they know that these times of freedom and which allow us to almost force us, if faith is not afraid of consciousness, this is still on her. " In particular, the Secretary-General of the CEI, "Don Luis has taught us that it is true that the Church can be built without a lead, you can do with very little power." "Of course I do not think it is conceivable nor desirable in today's circumstances, a priest's party secretary," said Msgr. Crusade, Don Sturzo defining a "credible witness", whose "testimony fruitful" We still need to "experience the loyalty imagination, choice, rather than the mere repetition."
"How can we understand Don Sturzo militant if separate her passion for the study of his life of prayer? "he asked Msgr. Crusade, that of Don Sturzo mentioned the 'intensity' that 'has been able to live in obedience ":" How many careers, how much of the sophistication of any kind Sturzo Don has been able to avoid it or leave it for obedience! Not blind obedience, obedience is not passive, a strong obedience, an obedience without flattery or renunciations. As the conflict has created in that obedience. With his life of freedom never denied, Don Sturzo gives us a measure of obedience that helps us making us first very, very humble. " Then there is the "struggle interior and public "felt by Caltagirone priest:" What little research of peace and consensus at all costs in his spiritual life, such as high infant and idea of \u200b\u200becclesial communion, a communion between people and free ". Finally, Mgr. Crusade focused on the "intensity with which Don Luis has always sought the path of renewal, personal, ecclesiastical, civil, even experiencing" very harsh experience of exile. " "Maybe Don Luigi will not be a repeatable model - concluded the Secretary General of the CEI - but it certainly is a witness and encouragement to a measure of high intensity in the inner life of obedience intensity Church, in the courage of competitive intensity, and intensity in the courage of renewal.
Friday, October 2, 2009
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by the Nazis to the Communists: Josef Beran, Cardinal witness the creative freedom
Towards the end of May 1945, a car stopped at the gates of the Prague seminar, attracting the curiosity of students who were walking in the park. It got a little man who wore the uniform of the SS - the ones that the Americans gave to the prisoners of the newly liberated Nazi concentration camp of Dachau - but with the Czechoslovak flag pinned on his chest. The little man was Josef Beran (1888-1969), former rector of the seminary and, shortly thereafter, the new archbishop of Prague and leader of the resistance of the Church against the anti-religious persecution.
After the coup of February '48, the communist government led by Gottwald did everything to create divisions within the Czechoslovak Church, the pope and to separate it from society: "We must isolate the church hierarchy - Gottwald said - and prepare the ground for them to inflict the fatal blow. Our tactic has no plans to stop neither bishops nor the individual religious will skip their joints [...]. Will conduct a campaign through the media [...]. You must use the calm, be cautious, avoid slander. "
Beran was not a malleable, and if initially seemed to seek a compromise with the regime so as to contribute to the peaceful reconstruction of the country, soon began to raise his voice repeatedly in defense of religious freedom. The anti-religious
escalation culminated in June 1949 when the regime founded Catholic Action "state" formed by priests and laity "progressives", duly excommunicated by the Vatican and sentenced by local bishops, who responded with the pastoral letter "In ' time of great trial, to be read in all churches at the Corpus Christi State despite the ban. The letter defended the Pope's authority, the right of parents bringing up children, freedom of action of the Church in education and culture, and the importance of state financial support to charities that social activities and charitable. Came the fateful June 19. In Prague, the police blocked the access of the St. Vitus Cathedral, where he celebrated Beran, provocative and filled with plainclothes bothered putting even trying to sing the Internationale. Archbishop Beran was escorted into the palace for him and began a forced internment, there and elsewhere in the province, which lasted until 1965. Erased from history, separated from his people, assisted by a few nuns and guarded by police, Beran was faithful to his episcopal motto, "Eucharist and employment" means daily worship, study of the patron saints of the Czechs and cutting firewood for the winter. A policeman was converted by observing how he lived his days.
In 1962 he was "retired" but he remained a thorn in the side of the regime, which preferred to indulge in those years the Vatican's Ostpolitik soft line, until in February '65 at the Party Central Committee in Prague, someone said, "What if you take well over here is dangerous. " Two weeks after he began his exile in Rome, the result of compromise, and has since worked tirelessly for the good of his country, condemning in no uncertain terms the lack of religious freedom in the communist bloc: whether the Nazi persecution was more brutal - observed - communist one was just more refined and therefore more dangerous. Vatican Council II intervened on religious freedom, calling for the rehabilitation of Jan Hus. Created cardinal by Pope Paul VI, died May 17, 1969. From
disclosure of the political police, declassified and shown in the exhibition staged in recent days at the Theological Faculty in Prague, emerging concerns of the regime that would not accommodate the body of Beran at home because he feared that this act of piety could transform an anti-government demonstration in the wound of the sacrifice of Palach, consumatosi few months earlier, was still open. Pope Paul VI then rested Beran - exceptional privilege - in the Vatican Grottoes, one of the popes.
In 1998, he opened the process of beatification.
introduction Beran's biography published recently in czech Republic, his former secretary in Rome, Monsignor Skarvada, writes: "The took away the freedom and the homeland, but the Tabernacle was for him a source of comfort and joy ... He knew that prayer, that nobody could take away, is stronger than evil and the political police of the communist regime. " Cardinal Vlk, the current archbishop of Prague, called it "a symbol of resistance against totalitarianism to which we must not give bargaining or to compromise the truth."
In November, the month in which culminate on the twentieth anniversary of the "velvet revolution", is opening in Prague a monument to Beran, and at the Strahov Monastery there is a large exhibition on the persecuted Church. (IlSussidiario)
Towards the end of May 1945, a car stopped at the gates of the Prague seminar, attracting the curiosity of students who were walking in the park. It got a little man who wore the uniform of the SS - the ones that the Americans gave to the prisoners of the newly liberated Nazi concentration camp of Dachau - but with the Czechoslovak flag pinned on his chest. The little man was Josef Beran (1888-1969), former rector of the seminary and, shortly thereafter, the new archbishop of Prague and leader of the resistance of the Church against the anti-religious persecution.
After the coup of February '48, the communist government led by Gottwald did everything to create divisions within the Czechoslovak Church, the pope and to separate it from society: "We must isolate the church hierarchy - Gottwald said - and prepare the ground for them to inflict the fatal blow. Our tactic has no plans to stop neither bishops nor the individual religious will skip their joints [...]. Will conduct a campaign through the media [...]. You must use the calm, be cautious, avoid slander. "
Beran was not a malleable, and if initially seemed to seek a compromise with the regime so as to contribute to the peaceful reconstruction of the country, soon began to raise his voice repeatedly in defense of religious freedom. The anti-religious
escalation culminated in June 1949 when the regime founded Catholic Action "state" formed by priests and laity "progressives", duly excommunicated by the Vatican and sentenced by local bishops, who responded with the pastoral letter "In ' time of great trial, to be read in all churches at the Corpus Christi State despite the ban. The letter defended the Pope's authority, the right of parents bringing up children, freedom of action of the Church in education and culture, and the importance of state financial support to charities that social activities and charitable. Came the fateful June 19. In Prague, the police blocked the access of the St. Vitus Cathedral, where he celebrated Beran, provocative and filled with plainclothes bothered putting even trying to sing the Internationale. Archbishop Beran was escorted into the palace for him and began a forced internment, there and elsewhere in the province, which lasted until 1965. Erased from history, separated from his people, assisted by a few nuns and guarded by police, Beran was faithful to his episcopal motto, "Eucharist and employment" means daily worship, study of the patron saints of the Czechs and cutting firewood for the winter. A policeman was converted by observing how he lived his days.
In 1962 he was "retired" but he remained a thorn in the side of the regime, which preferred to indulge in those years the Vatican's Ostpolitik soft line, until in February '65 at the Party Central Committee in Prague, someone said, "What if you take well over here is dangerous. " Two weeks after he began his exile in Rome, the result of compromise, and has since worked tirelessly for the good of his country, condemning in no uncertain terms the lack of religious freedom in the communist bloc: whether the Nazi persecution was more brutal - observed - communist one was just more refined and therefore more dangerous. Vatican Council II intervened on religious freedom, calling for the rehabilitation of Jan Hus. Created cardinal by Pope Paul VI, died May 17, 1969. From
disclosure of the political police, declassified and shown in the exhibition staged in recent days at the Theological Faculty in Prague, emerging concerns of the regime that would not accommodate the body of Beran at home because he feared that this act of piety could transform an anti-government demonstration in the wound of the sacrifice of Palach, consumatosi few months earlier, was still open. Pope Paul VI then rested Beran - exceptional privilege - in the Vatican Grottoes, one of the popes.
In 1998, he opened the process of beatification.
introduction Beran's biography published recently in czech Republic, his former secretary in Rome, Monsignor Skarvada, writes: "The took away the freedom and the homeland, but the Tabernacle was for him a source of comfort and joy ... He knew that prayer, that nobody could take away, is stronger than evil and the political police of the communist regime. " Cardinal Vlk, the current archbishop of Prague, called it "a symbol of resistance against totalitarianism to which we must not give bargaining or to compromise the truth."
In November, the month in which culminate on the twentieth anniversary of the "velvet revolution", is opening in Prague a monument to Beran, and at the Strahov Monastery there is a large exhibition on the persecuted Church. (IlSussidiario)
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Traveling to Prague, from where his apostolic visit to the country "the most atheistic of Europe," Benedict XVI, as usual, answered some questions from journalists. He was asked what contribution the Church can make in a situation that sees in the minority. "Normally - said - creative minorities determine the future. The Catholic Church must act as a creative minority. " Joseph
Zvěřina, probably the most Bohemian theologian of the last century, knew that the Christian minority is so indigestible to the different majorities, which have continued to be persecuted. I met him almost 25 years ago. I went to Prague to tell about my journal of a pilgrimage that Catholics had organized without the permission of the communist regime, to celebrate the Saints Cyril and Methodius, the fathers of Slavic Christianity. Of course, imagined as a normal tourist, I would never have been allowed to enter as an independent journalist in what was then still called Czechoslovakia, fully normalized after the "spring" of 1968 and the faithful ally of Moscow.
With the mediation of some friends I was fortunate enough to interview Zvěřina. He lived in a house by an anonymous anonymous district of the capital, and I stared an appointment for 6 in the morning. "At that time - he explained - is the changing of the guard that watches my house permanently, there is always some minute intervals, so she goes without problems." For many years the old theologian had honed various forms of "creativity" to escape the meshes of the scheme.
Born in 1913 and priest in 1937, seems poised to a brilliant academic career, but came the German invasion, the arrest of the Gestapo and the first months in prison. A brief period of peace after the war and then again stop, this time by new communist masters: 25 years in prison for espionage and other betrayal.
recalled: "The treason was in my work with youth groups. Espionage in the fact that, recognizing the authority of the Pope, was proclaimed "agent of a foreign power". " Released - in the context of its 'working class origin' - before the expiry of the deadline, had to resign themselves to doing menial jobs. He was one of the protagonists of "Spring" and, when it was suppressed, was sent to a parrocchietta country, then retired early and locked in the apartment where I interviewed.
His way of saying that the Church is a minority was to remember it is always a "sign of contradiction." Not for political reasons, but the nature of his message, which can not yield to no conformity, no minds. Is famous in this regard, the letter in the early 70's to the "Christians of the West," much inclined to go along with the fashions of the moment. With lucidity
observed: "You have the presumption to bring utilities to the kingdom of God taking as much as possible saeculum [world], his life, his words, his slogan, his way of thinking." And with prophetic zeal, taken from St. Paul, warned: "Do not conform!", Do not assume the patterns of the world. "We can not imitate the world because we judge it, not with pride and superiority, but with love, just as the Father has loved the world that is why it has given up on the court. "
Here is the perennial "creativity" of the "minority" Christian. Creativity fully aware that the world will not forgive. Zvěřina has spent half his life in prison and exile in order to remain faithful to the newness of Christianity. To us to perhaps a more subtle censorship, just look at the poor area that the newspapers have given the Pope's trip to face But whatever has the status of minority and how bad the persecution, creativity is not affected. Zvěřina In that interview he said, ironic and delighted: "One of my ways of doing catechism Jesus is talking about the phone: in addition to the other party, also teach sound doctrine to police spy who is listening to me. " (IlSussidiario)
Traveling to Prague, from where his apostolic visit to the country "the most atheistic of Europe," Benedict XVI, as usual, answered some questions from journalists. He was asked what contribution the Church can make in a situation that sees in the minority. "Normally - said - creative minorities determine the future. The Catholic Church must act as a creative minority. " Joseph
Zvěřina, probably the most Bohemian theologian of the last century, knew that the Christian minority is so indigestible to the different majorities, which have continued to be persecuted. I met him almost 25 years ago. I went to Prague to tell about my journal of a pilgrimage that Catholics had organized without the permission of the communist regime, to celebrate the Saints Cyril and Methodius, the fathers of Slavic Christianity. Of course, imagined as a normal tourist, I would never have been allowed to enter as an independent journalist in what was then still called Czechoslovakia, fully normalized after the "spring" of 1968 and the faithful ally of Moscow.
With the mediation of some friends I was fortunate enough to interview Zvěřina. He lived in a house by an anonymous anonymous district of the capital, and I stared an appointment for 6 in the morning. "At that time - he explained - is the changing of the guard that watches my house permanently, there is always some minute intervals, so she goes without problems." For many years the old theologian had honed various forms of "creativity" to escape the meshes of the scheme.
Born in 1913 and priest in 1937, seems poised to a brilliant academic career, but came the German invasion, the arrest of the Gestapo and the first months in prison. A brief period of peace after the war and then again stop, this time by new communist masters: 25 years in prison for espionage and other betrayal.
recalled: "The treason was in my work with youth groups. Espionage in the fact that, recognizing the authority of the Pope, was proclaimed "agent of a foreign power". " Released - in the context of its 'working class origin' - before the expiry of the deadline, had to resign themselves to doing menial jobs. He was one of the protagonists of "Spring" and, when it was suppressed, was sent to a parrocchietta country, then retired early and locked in the apartment where I interviewed.
His way of saying that the Church is a minority was to remember it is always a "sign of contradiction." Not for political reasons, but the nature of his message, which can not yield to no conformity, no minds. Is famous in this regard, the letter in the early 70's to the "Christians of the West," much inclined to go along with the fashions of the moment. With lucidity
observed: "You have the presumption to bring utilities to the kingdom of God taking as much as possible saeculum [world], his life, his words, his slogan, his way of thinking." And with prophetic zeal, taken from St. Paul, warned: "Do not conform!", Do not assume the patterns of the world. "We can not imitate the world because we judge it, not with pride and superiority, but with love, just as the Father has loved the world that is why it has given up on the court. "
Here is the perennial "creativity" of the "minority" Christian. Creativity fully aware that the world will not forgive. Zvěřina has spent half his life in prison and exile in order to remain faithful to the newness of Christianity. To us to perhaps a more subtle censorship, just look at the poor area that the newspapers have given the Pope's trip to face But whatever has the status of minority and how bad the persecution, creativity is not affected. Zvěřina In that interview he said, ironic and delighted: "One of my ways of doing catechism Jesus is talking about the phone: in addition to the other party, also teach sound doctrine to police spy who is listening to me. " (IlSussidiario)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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The moral destruction of an infidel West
Roberto de Mattei
The news of the approval by the English Parliament (June 26, 2008), a law that extends to the "great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans) certain rights human, starting with the right to life, must be upheld with all the revulsion it deserves a standard immorale.Tra profoundly unnatural and animals and men there is in fact a quantitative difference is not accidental, but substantial and qualitatitiva. The man unlike all animals, monkeys including the most advanced, is an intelligent and free, has a spiritual soul and a supernatural destiny. Only men have the right to dignity of human person, with the consequent rights that flow from it. The animals are not "persons" because they are not capable of discernment: they have no rights because they have no duties. Their behavior follows the law of instinct, impressed by the Lord in their nature. For man has in common with the animals of the physical nature, but what sets it apart from them is the rational nature. This nature makes the man does not go along with all the instincts of his body, but they attract, the institutions, to finalize them. The natural law is not So the law of zoological creatures, but the moral and metaphysical order of creation that man can discover his reason. The monkey is similar to humans, but is the animal: an animal is vicious, deceitful, lustful, in which man sees as it reflected his own degeneration, as it moves away from respect for natural law. Besides being the ridiculous caricature of man, the monkey was ever considered an image of Satan, grotesque stunt of God Church Fathers called Satan "the Simia," or "monkey of God" because Satan mimics God but it can never be God, nor match his deeds. Among the best-known works of Albrecht Durer's engraving depicting the Virgin with a monkey chained to his feet. This is the fate of the devil, who seeks to challenge God, and get rid of him, but remains eternally imprisoned by his Volontà.Il degradation intellectual of our time would turn men into beasts, denying them the spiritual nature, and animals in human, giving them the dignity of people. For those who oppose evolutionary ideas is already ready, "zoo." A ultradarwinista like Daniel Dennett proposes, in line with its principles, to put in a cage all religions to protect the planet from fanaticism fundamentalism, wherever it comes from (Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 2004). This is the egalitarian logic of the "Great Ape Project," proposed by the Italian Australian Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri and received by the English Prime Minister Zapatero. The two animals in this and other works argue that men and animals there are no boundaries, neither biological nor moral. What gives rights to a living being is not, in their opinion, the reason and the will, but the "self" and the ability to suffer and enjoy. A chimpanzee, but also a dog, a pig, would have a greater degree of self-consciousness of a child severely retarded or brain-injured individual. The unborn, the handicapped, infants, the elderly with no real awareness may be considered to be living for them, but not people. On the other hand, can be given the status of people, with consequent rights to chimpanzees, whales, dolphins, dogs, cats, pigs, seals, bears, and perhaps the chickens: a list that Singer describes as "incomplete", but select " species with developed mental faculties "(see Ethical practice, Liguori, Naples 1989.p. 108 and passim). The consequences of these premises are relentless. Life is not just a fetus, but a baby has less value in the life of a dog or a chimpanzee. One child newborn, says Singer, is as good as a snail. If the value of a person's life is linked to his self and his ability to have desires about their future, "to kill a snail or a baby one day does not frustrate any desire of this kind, because snails and newborn babies are unable to to have these desires "(Ethics practice cit., p. 133). What is more absurd these claims are not, but the fact that the speculations of minds led astray can become the law of a State party to the European Union: Spain today, tomorrow, other nations in which ideas can take root environmental and animal rights . The rest of the animal principle have an uncontrollable series of devastating consequences. If chimpanzees have the right to life, why deny them the use of sex? But if between them and humans, there are no qualitative differences could not prevent the sexual union of man and beast. This abomination is mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and especially, from the common human consciousness of sin as "bestiality" means more than any other sin that breaks the laws of human nature and shouting "revenge" in the presence of God (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-IIae, q. 154, a. 12, a. 4). The aberrant practice is more widespread than ever imagined, even in Italy, especially in Satanist circles, and could lead to protected by the Nice Charter of Rights, attached to the new European Treaty of Lisbon. Nell''articolo 21 of this Charter, the 'sexual orientation "is recognized as the foundation of non-discrimination, with the distinction that is placed between the physical and biological sex and" preference "sexual. Sexuality, in this way, becomes a fact of nature, but a choice 'cultural' purely subjective. All unnatural sexual orientation, homosexuality to incest, from necrophilia to bestiality they are automatically protected. Homosexuality, which provoked disgust yesterday, today entered the costume and the law. Bestiality, that still arouses disgust, begins to be indirectly accepted by the European institutions, to enter also a day habits and mentalitàSopravviverà Europe this moral mess? Islam will be the instrument of which the Divine Providence will use to cleanse, through deep suffering, the infidel West? You do not find men of good will who, responding to grace, are authors of a religious revival and moral rise from the mud face a civilization? Only the Lord knows the answer to these disturbing questions engraved in letters of fire on our future. (RadiciCristiane)
Roberto de Mattei
The news of the approval by the English Parliament (June 26, 2008), a law that extends to the "great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans) certain rights human, starting with the right to life, must be upheld with all the revulsion it deserves a standard immorale.Tra profoundly unnatural and animals and men there is in fact a quantitative difference is not accidental, but substantial and qualitatitiva. The man unlike all animals, monkeys including the most advanced, is an intelligent and free, has a spiritual soul and a supernatural destiny. Only men have the right to dignity of human person, with the consequent rights that flow from it. The animals are not "persons" because they are not capable of discernment: they have no rights because they have no duties. Their behavior follows the law of instinct, impressed by the Lord in their nature. For man has in common with the animals of the physical nature, but what sets it apart from them is the rational nature. This nature makes the man does not go along with all the instincts of his body, but they attract, the institutions, to finalize them. The natural law is not So the law of zoological creatures, but the moral and metaphysical order of creation that man can discover his reason. The monkey is similar to humans, but is the animal: an animal is vicious, deceitful, lustful, in which man sees as it reflected his own degeneration, as it moves away from respect for natural law. Besides being the ridiculous caricature of man, the monkey was ever considered an image of Satan, grotesque stunt of God Church Fathers called Satan "the Simia," or "monkey of God" because Satan mimics God but it can never be God, nor match his deeds. Among the best-known works of Albrecht Durer's engraving depicting the Virgin with a monkey chained to his feet. This is the fate of the devil, who seeks to challenge God, and get rid of him, but remains eternally imprisoned by his Volontà.Il degradation intellectual of our time would turn men into beasts, denying them the spiritual nature, and animals in human, giving them the dignity of people. For those who oppose evolutionary ideas is already ready, "zoo." A ultradarwinista like Daniel Dennett proposes, in line with its principles, to put in a cage all religions to protect the planet from fanaticism fundamentalism, wherever it comes from (Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 2004). This is the egalitarian logic of the "Great Ape Project," proposed by the Italian Australian Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri and received by the English Prime Minister Zapatero. The two animals in this and other works argue that men and animals there are no boundaries, neither biological nor moral. What gives rights to a living being is not, in their opinion, the reason and the will, but the "self" and the ability to suffer and enjoy. A chimpanzee, but also a dog, a pig, would have a greater degree of self-consciousness of a child severely retarded or brain-injured individual. The unborn, the handicapped, infants, the elderly with no real awareness may be considered to be living for them, but not people. On the other hand, can be given the status of people, with consequent rights to chimpanzees, whales, dolphins, dogs, cats, pigs, seals, bears, and perhaps the chickens: a list that Singer describes as "incomplete", but select " species with developed mental faculties "(see Ethical practice, Liguori, Naples 1989.p. 108 and passim). The consequences of these premises are relentless. Life is not just a fetus, but a baby has less value in the life of a dog or a chimpanzee. One child newborn, says Singer, is as good as a snail. If the value of a person's life is linked to his self and his ability to have desires about their future, "to kill a snail or a baby one day does not frustrate any desire of this kind, because snails and newborn babies are unable to to have these desires "(Ethics practice cit., p. 133). What is more absurd these claims are not, but the fact that the speculations of minds led astray can become the law of a State party to the European Union: Spain today, tomorrow, other nations in which ideas can take root environmental and animal rights . The rest of the animal principle have an uncontrollable series of devastating consequences. If chimpanzees have the right to life, why deny them the use of sex? But if between them and humans, there are no qualitative differences could not prevent the sexual union of man and beast. This abomination is mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and especially, from the common human consciousness of sin as "bestiality" means more than any other sin that breaks the laws of human nature and shouting "revenge" in the presence of God (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-IIae, q. 154, a. 12, a. 4). The aberrant practice is more widespread than ever imagined, even in Italy, especially in Satanist circles, and could lead to protected by the Nice Charter of Rights, attached to the new European Treaty of Lisbon. Nell''articolo 21 of this Charter, the 'sexual orientation "is recognized as the foundation of non-discrimination, with the distinction that is placed between the physical and biological sex and" preference "sexual. Sexuality, in this way, becomes a fact of nature, but a choice 'cultural' purely subjective. All unnatural sexual orientation, homosexuality to incest, from necrophilia to bestiality they are automatically protected. Homosexuality, which provoked disgust yesterday, today entered the costume and the law. Bestiality, that still arouses disgust, begins to be indirectly accepted by the European institutions, to enter also a day habits and mentalitàSopravviverà Europe this moral mess? Islam will be the instrument of which the Divine Providence will use to cleanse, through deep suffering, the infidel West? You do not find men of good will who, responding to grace, are authors of a religious revival and moral rise from the mud face a civilization? Only the Lord knows the answer to these disturbing questions engraved in letters of fire on our future. (RadiciCristiane)
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the diocese in Canada urges politicians to think about the consequences of the law on euthanasia
Toronto, 30. The President of the Episcopal Conference of Canada, Archbishop James Weisberger Vernon, archbishop of Winnipeg, has sent a letter calling on members of parliament and the Canadian people to reflect on the implications of Bill C-384 which seeks to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in the country. Those wishing to reopen this debate - reads the letter - are no doubt concerned about the suffering of others. A mistaken sense of compassion has led them to perform euthanasia on those most vulnerable, rather than provide them with adequate care, effective pain control, social support, emotional and spiritual to natural death. It is always important - the letter continues - be as clear as possible about the intentions and the consequences when we reflect on human actions, so as to ensure the good and minimize the damage to the persons directly involved, including the entire community. Unfortunately, some proposed terms for this debate is misleading and unclear. From the perspective of Catholics - said the president of the Canadian Bishops' Conference - the use of drugs and other means to relieve suffering is lawful even though they may have side effects such as the reduction of life expectancy. It is also legitimate for someone to refuse medical treatment considered particularly burdensome. But what can never be accepted is the direct and intentional killing of people who are depressed, disabled, sick terminals, the elderly and the dying. It is difficult to see how a law legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and may at the same time protect the most vulnerable in our society. The Archbishop asked: "What confidence which these people can have certainty that their lives actually are then protected by health care workers, family, friends and society as a whole?". Euthanasia and assisted suicide, by their very nature, means that there is a duty to protect the lives of others. There is also a well-founded fear - continues in the letter - that euthanasia and assisted suicide may be imposed on people as a way to save on healthcare costs and reduce service calls. Inevitably, the result would be that of an increasingly fragmented society whose members will experience increasing anxiety and isolation. The Canadian bishops, therefore, invite members of parliament, representatives of the House of Commons and the Senate, "to use in their discussions and clearer terms and definitions to take into consideration the impact that such legislation would have on people's lives and entire community. Canadians should be better informed about these important issues and should be promoted instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide, palliative care and home assistance to help people in difficulty and families. We call on Catholics, our brothers and sisters who belong to other Christian communities or other faiths, and all those who appreciate the beauty and dignity of life - end the bishops - to engage in this debate civilly and respectfully in order to witness profound respect for the dignity of every human life. "(© L'Osservatore Romano - October 1, 2009)
Toronto, 30. The President of the Episcopal Conference of Canada, Archbishop James Weisberger Vernon, archbishop of Winnipeg, has sent a letter calling on members of parliament and the Canadian people to reflect on the implications of Bill C-384 which seeks to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in the country. Those wishing to reopen this debate - reads the letter - are no doubt concerned about the suffering of others. A mistaken sense of compassion has led them to perform euthanasia on those most vulnerable, rather than provide them with adequate care, effective pain control, social support, emotional and spiritual to natural death. It is always important - the letter continues - be as clear as possible about the intentions and the consequences when we reflect on human actions, so as to ensure the good and minimize the damage to the persons directly involved, including the entire community. Unfortunately, some proposed terms for this debate is misleading and unclear. From the perspective of Catholics - said the president of the Canadian Bishops' Conference - the use of drugs and other means to relieve suffering is lawful even though they may have side effects such as the reduction of life expectancy. It is also legitimate for someone to refuse medical treatment considered particularly burdensome. But what can never be accepted is the direct and intentional killing of people who are depressed, disabled, sick terminals, the elderly and the dying. It is difficult to see how a law legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and may at the same time protect the most vulnerable in our society. The Archbishop asked: "What confidence which these people can have certainty that their lives actually are then protected by health care workers, family, friends and society as a whole?". Euthanasia and assisted suicide, by their very nature, means that there is a duty to protect the lives of others. There is also a well-founded fear - continues in the letter - that euthanasia and assisted suicide may be imposed on people as a way to save on healthcare costs and reduce service calls. Inevitably, the result would be that of an increasingly fragmented society whose members will experience increasing anxiety and isolation. The Canadian bishops, therefore, invite members of parliament, representatives of the House of Commons and the Senate, "to use in their discussions and clearer terms and definitions to take into consideration the impact that such legislation would have on people's lives and entire community. Canadians should be better informed about these important issues and should be promoted instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide, palliative care and home assistance to help people in difficulty and families. We call on Catholics, our brothers and sisters who belong to other Christian communities or other faiths, and all those who appreciate the beauty and dignity of life - end the bishops - to engage in this debate civilly and respectfully in order to witness profound respect for the dignity of every human life. "(© L'Osservatore Romano - October 1, 2009)
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No sentimentality in Christian social teaching
excerpts of the contribution of the Dean of the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy and auxiliary bishop of Milan, Mgr. Franco Giulio Brambilla.
long-awaited announcement is imminent on several occasions, the social encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI has arrived, However, as a surprise. Not only because of its favorable pub near the top internationally renowned Aquila, which has regained the prominence of emerging countries, not yet for the resumption of Populorum Progressio of Paul VI, shortly after the fortieth anniversary of its publication (1967) , but especially for the revival of the theme for the integral development of peoples in the context of globalization on the international scene of the terrible crisis of 2008-2009. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and ideologies precisely at the stroke of two hundred years - poetic justice! - The French Revolution (1989), the implosion of the western economy has been globalized, losing the close contact with the root social and human. The encyclical is a strong lure that is almost a manifesto for the new need for "social ethics" that attempts to regulate greed and sometimes fraudulent greed of international finance, without reference to the social bond, and the risk dell'imprendere fatigue of human labor. In the background is the scene of the terrible disparity between the peoples of the globe. The manifest, however, the encyclical does not have the rhetorical tone, but that of a relaxed and peaceful design, to establish a strong reflection patiently weaving the weft of a tapestry of global dimensions, through it all the harmonics that must resonate in ' now present. Or otherwise could be expected from the "pope theologian" who has accustomed us to the thickness and flavor of the word that reveals the true and good. The most surprising thing, which is more closer to a meeting with the writing of the encyclical, is the exercise of interpretation of the Social Doctrine of the Church that the Pope is proposing. This is a case of interpretation "magisterial" the social teaching that, from Rerum Novarum to the present day, has taken on the part of a real body of doctrine. Analysis of socio-political moral theologians, this body appears as a constellation of doctrine that has not and does not claim to have the form of a systematic and complete discussion, but rather intends to offer the discerning demands of the time at which various papal intervention refer. However, because of the overlaps of the anniversaries that often motivate the "recovery" of social doctrine, suggests the idea of \u200b\u200ba speech full of the vision of the Christian faith in the social king. Until it on a discussion of "the Social Doctrine of the Church", which would take the theological content of the Treaty of social morality. Academic space, many times it happens that this part of Christian morality is conceived and proposed as a "commentary" to the social teaching of the highest placed in the historical development of over a hundred years from the "first" social encyclical of Leo XIII. And this is where the line falls surprising intervention of Pope Benedict: it looks like an exercise in symbolic of that '"hermeneutics of reform", of renewal in the continuity of the one subject-Church which the Pope had brought in an unexpected and unusual in the setting of the Sermon on the Roman Curia on the occasion of Christmas greetings, December 22 2005, just at the beginning of his pontificate. That intervention struck many because, as we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council, claimed the renewal of the Church in continuity before and after the council, compared with a superficial "and discontinutà hermeneutic of rupture" which was based on the separation of spirit of the council and its translation text, inevitably marked by the compromise between the different cores of the Council Fathers. For more propitious - it is no coincidence that the main reference is to Paul VI encyclical - the will of the Pope from Brescia to gather around the conciliar pronouncements maximum consensus. The encilica makes explicit reference (at number 12 and footnote 19) this method of speech: "There are two types of social doctrine, one pre-and post-Vatican II, different, but a single teaching, consistent and at the same time ever again "And if it is" right out the peculiarities of one or the encyclical, the teaching of one or the Pope, but never losing sight of the consistency of the whole body of doctrine ", d ' On the other hand "coherence not mean a closed system, but rather a dynamic fidelity to the received light "(CV 12). In the 2005 Speech from the examples of" fidelity dynamic "look with great concern the most controversial of the conciliar teaching about the freedom religion (see, in this intervention, the beautiful page that from Galileo case you land the formulation reconcile). encyclical exercise relaxes peacefully reconcile hermeneutics to rectify the gap between before and after the council with regard to the social doctrine: "The Populorum Progressio and the Second Vatican Council did not represent a break between the social teaching of Paul VI and that of the Popes, given that the council is a deepening of this teaching in the continuity of life of the Church "(n. 12). The idea of" dynamic fidelity "and" renewal in continuity of the one subject-Church "takes the concept of the Church and is located in the traditio tradens traditum its necessary, but not limited to discerning the needs of history. It requires, therefore, a hermeneutic that does not contribute to breakage, but always find creative continuity (of guardiniana memory) of the life and life of the Church in order to "renew the origins." The act of interpretation is primarily a practical measure by which the Church not only thinks its doctrinal principles connect to the Word of God, but at the same time discerns the current within the bounds of living tradition. As part of the keynote speech, the Pope insisted that "it is precisely this combination of continuity and discontinuity at different levels that is the nature of true reform." Continuity in the principles and strategic decisions necessary flexibility at the level of practical insights related to the "decisions (about) things quotas." So the Pope then suggested that "we must learn to recognize that, in these decisions, only the principles that express the permanent aspect, in the background and reasons for its decision from the inside. They are not so permanent are the practical forms that depend on the situation historical and are therefore subject to change. So the fundamental decisions may remain valid, while the forms of their application to new contexts can change "(ibid.). The 'hermeneutics of reform" thus refers to a "historic practice of discernment" (the life of the Church in its creative continuity), of which the Church's social doctrine is, so to speak, the condensation of the papal Magisterium of the entry that reads and returns to the face of social change. Prior to carrying out the theme of the encyclical (the integral development of peoples ), the Pope feels the need to place it in the context of its overall teaching, particularly in the focal point of his first encyclical Deus programmatic Caritas Est. The bold introduction plays a dual role: connecting with the center of the social doctrine of the Trinitarian mystery, showing how they shine in D caritas theological social interpretation is stronger caritas as the founding principle of social doctrine, which subtracts a understanding small and irrelevant. As if the charity was only a corrective alongside and parallel to the principle of justice, which alone is based on social relations: "Love is everything because, as taught by St. John (cf. 1 John, 4, 8. 16) and as I mentioned in my first Encyclical Letter, "God is love": the love of God everything comes, it all takes shape, it all tents. Love is the greatest gift that God has given to men is his promise and our hope "(CV, 2). To avoid an interpretation" marginal "and" sentimental "of charity than the social relations in the event set by (only) Justice (including the light of "only" reason, even "secular"), Benedict XVI feels the need to strengthen the concept referring to the truth of man's vision, not only on which it is to be measured, but which expresses exactly the full form of human life, personal and social. Hence the strategic importance of the introduction of the encyclical, which forms, so to speak, the theoretical framework of the subsequent recovery the concept of integral development. Caritas in Veritate indicates the axis with which the charity is coextensive with a joint understanding of social relations: they are not just only if they give to each his own, but if you are rooted and, together, nurture those social and cultural ties with which the 'man comes to himself (self-consciousness), before deciding his fate (the personal touch) social within the alliance (the common good). Just this input, which to some may appear even daring, as if you were in a cabin in front of the high wall that stands on the highest peak, is the antidote to drug therapy and an understanding of caritas. In fact, it would cure in the relationship city \u200b\u200bof man and in the concert of nations, once the Justice had failed in its task, offsetting the relationship "right" when they were wounded and torn, with reports "good" that comes free from the initiative of private individuals and / or group. Thus, the theological charity (the communion and fellowship with God) would not have a public aspect: the "brotherhood" that also emblematic of the Enlightenment had indicated in his trio, none as heir to the Western tradition, did not I find any public if not because it gathers the victims and the wounded left on the field by social arena. The value "political" charity is solved in its therapeutic function, but not chair it and does not supply the social relationship. The Pope feels "the need to combine charity with truth not only in the direction marked by St. Paul, the" veritas in charity "(Ephesians 4: 15), but also in that, reverse and complementary, the caritas in veritate. The truth must be sought, found and expressed in the 'economy' of charity, but charity in turn must be understood, supported and practiced in the light of truth. In this way not only do we service the charity, enlightened by truth, but we also help to confirm the truth, demonstrating the power of authentication and persuasion in the concrete of social life "(n. 2). Caritas in veritate is, therefore, the challenge to steal the Church's social doctrine to an understanding "sentimental" appearance of solidarity that must animate the relationship between individuals and between peoples. In figurative expression, the Pope clearly shows this tendency: "A Christian charity without truth would be easily mistaken for a reserve of good feelings, useful for social cohesion, but marginal" (No. 4). "Marginal" with respect to the rules of civil life, which does not leave you in no way directed by the forms of good relationship with each other, as if the forms were only good for the free report or therapeutic or compensatory ways of binding the report proper, Once bankrupt or wound. It must So, get to discuss the scheme that separates and combines justice and charity. Pope says, in fact, that: "The truth preserves and expresses the force of liberation of charity in the ever-changing events of history. And in time the truth of faith and reason, and also in the distinction in the two cognitive domains "(No. 5). The truth is what holds together the excess of charity than the need for justice: charity goes beyond justice only if the includes and surpasses, justice, however, can be itself only if you supply the good form of social relationship that derives the excess of giving and forgiving. It requires an alliance between humans who tend to the "common good" (and not only to safeguard the fragmentation of "commons") as the atmosphere that makes you breathe the right relationships, governed by the law. In the numbers 6 and 7, justice and common good are referred to as mediation Caritas worker in veritate. They can not fail to refer to the image of the integral development of man. Within this framework unfolds the theme of the encyclical. (© L'Osservatore Romano - October 1, 2009)
excerpts of the contribution of the Dean of the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy and auxiliary bishop of Milan, Mgr. Franco Giulio Brambilla.
long-awaited announcement is imminent on several occasions, the social encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI has arrived, However, as a surprise. Not only because of its favorable pub near the top internationally renowned Aquila, which has regained the prominence of emerging countries, not yet for the resumption of Populorum Progressio of Paul VI, shortly after the fortieth anniversary of its publication (1967) , but especially for the revival of the theme for the integral development of peoples in the context of globalization on the international scene of the terrible crisis of 2008-2009. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and ideologies precisely at the stroke of two hundred years - poetic justice! - The French Revolution (1989), the implosion of the western economy has been globalized, losing the close contact with the root social and human. The encyclical is a strong lure that is almost a manifesto for the new need for "social ethics" that attempts to regulate greed and sometimes fraudulent greed of international finance, without reference to the social bond, and the risk dell'imprendere fatigue of human labor. In the background is the scene of the terrible disparity between the peoples of the globe. The manifest, however, the encyclical does not have the rhetorical tone, but that of a relaxed and peaceful design, to establish a strong reflection patiently weaving the weft of a tapestry of global dimensions, through it all the harmonics that must resonate in ' now present. Or otherwise could be expected from the "pope theologian" who has accustomed us to the thickness and flavor of the word that reveals the true and good. The most surprising thing, which is more closer to a meeting with the writing of the encyclical, is the exercise of interpretation of the Social Doctrine of the Church that the Pope is proposing. This is a case of interpretation "magisterial" the social teaching that, from Rerum Novarum to the present day, has taken on the part of a real body of doctrine. Analysis of socio-political moral theologians, this body appears as a constellation of doctrine that has not and does not claim to have the form of a systematic and complete discussion, but rather intends to offer the discerning demands of the time at which various papal intervention refer. However, because of the overlaps of the anniversaries that often motivate the "recovery" of social doctrine, suggests the idea of \u200b\u200ba speech full of the vision of the Christian faith in the social king. Until it on a discussion of "the Social Doctrine of the Church", which would take the theological content of the Treaty of social morality. Academic space, many times it happens that this part of Christian morality is conceived and proposed as a "commentary" to the social teaching of the highest placed in the historical development of over a hundred years from the "first" social encyclical of Leo XIII. And this is where the line falls surprising intervention of Pope Benedict: it looks like an exercise in symbolic of that '"hermeneutics of reform", of renewal in the continuity of the one subject-Church which the Pope had brought in an unexpected and unusual in the setting of the Sermon on the Roman Curia on the occasion of Christmas greetings, December 22 2005, just at the beginning of his pontificate. That intervention struck many because, as we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council, claimed the renewal of the Church in continuity before and after the council, compared with a superficial "and discontinutà hermeneutic of rupture" which was based on the separation of spirit of the council and its translation text, inevitably marked by the compromise between the different cores of the Council Fathers. For more propitious - it is no coincidence that the main reference is to Paul VI encyclical - the will of the Pope from Brescia to gather around the conciliar pronouncements maximum consensus. The encilica makes explicit reference (at number 12 and footnote 19) this method of speech: "There are two types of social doctrine, one pre-and post-Vatican II, different, but a single teaching, consistent and at the same time ever again "And if it is" right out the peculiarities of one or the encyclical, the teaching of one or the Pope, but never losing sight of the consistency of the whole body of doctrine ", d ' On the other hand "coherence not mean a closed system, but rather a dynamic fidelity to the received light "(CV 12). In the 2005 Speech from the examples of" fidelity dynamic "look with great concern the most controversial of the conciliar teaching about the freedom religion (see, in this intervention, the beautiful page that from Galileo case you land the formulation reconcile). encyclical exercise relaxes peacefully reconcile hermeneutics to rectify the gap between before and after the council with regard to the social doctrine: "The Populorum Progressio and the Second Vatican Council did not represent a break between the social teaching of Paul VI and that of the Popes, given that the council is a deepening of this teaching in the continuity of life of the Church "(n. 12). The idea of" dynamic fidelity "and" renewal in continuity of the one subject-Church "takes the concept of the Church and is located in the traditio tradens traditum its necessary, but not limited to discerning the needs of history. It requires, therefore, a hermeneutic that does not contribute to breakage, but always find creative continuity (of guardiniana memory) of the life and life of the Church in order to "renew the origins." The act of interpretation is primarily a practical measure by which the Church not only thinks its doctrinal principles connect to the Word of God, but at the same time discerns the current within the bounds of living tradition. As part of the keynote speech, the Pope insisted that "it is precisely this combination of continuity and discontinuity at different levels that is the nature of true reform." Continuity in the principles and strategic decisions necessary flexibility at the level of practical insights related to the "decisions (about) things quotas." So the Pope then suggested that "we must learn to recognize that, in these decisions, only the principles that express the permanent aspect, in the background and reasons for its decision from the inside. They are not so permanent are the practical forms that depend on the situation historical and are therefore subject to change. So the fundamental decisions may remain valid, while the forms of their application to new contexts can change "(ibid.). The 'hermeneutics of reform" thus refers to a "historic practice of discernment" (the life of the Church in its creative continuity), of which the Church's social doctrine is, so to speak, the condensation of the papal Magisterium of the entry that reads and returns to the face of social change. Prior to carrying out the theme of the encyclical (the integral development of peoples ), the Pope feels the need to place it in the context of its overall teaching, particularly in the focal point of his first encyclical Deus programmatic Caritas Est. The bold introduction plays a dual role: connecting with the center of the social doctrine of the Trinitarian mystery, showing how they shine in D caritas theological social interpretation is stronger caritas as the founding principle of social doctrine, which subtracts a understanding small and irrelevant. As if the charity was only a corrective alongside and parallel to the principle of justice, which alone is based on social relations: "Love is everything because, as taught by St. John (cf. 1 John, 4, 8. 16) and as I mentioned in my first Encyclical Letter, "God is love": the love of God everything comes, it all takes shape, it all tents. Love is the greatest gift that God has given to men is his promise and our hope "(CV, 2). To avoid an interpretation" marginal "and" sentimental "of charity than the social relations in the event set by (only) Justice (including the light of "only" reason, even "secular"), Benedict XVI feels the need to strengthen the concept referring to the truth of man's vision, not only on which it is to be measured, but which expresses exactly the full form of human life, personal and social. Hence the strategic importance of the introduction of the encyclical, which forms, so to speak, the theoretical framework of the subsequent recovery the concept of integral development. Caritas in Veritate indicates the axis with which the charity is coextensive with a joint understanding of social relations: they are not just only if they give to each his own, but if you are rooted and, together, nurture those social and cultural ties with which the 'man comes to himself (self-consciousness), before deciding his fate (the personal touch) social within the alliance (the common good). Just this input, which to some may appear even daring, as if you were in a cabin in front of the high wall that stands on the highest peak, is the antidote to drug therapy and an understanding of caritas. In fact, it would cure in the relationship city \u200b\u200bof man and in the concert of nations, once the Justice had failed in its task, offsetting the relationship "right" when they were wounded and torn, with reports "good" that comes free from the initiative of private individuals and / or group. Thus, the theological charity (the communion and fellowship with God) would not have a public aspect: the "brotherhood" that also emblematic of the Enlightenment had indicated in his trio, none as heir to the Western tradition, did not I find any public if not because it gathers the victims and the wounded left on the field by social arena. The value "political" charity is solved in its therapeutic function, but not chair it and does not supply the social relationship. The Pope feels "the need to combine charity with truth not only in the direction marked by St. Paul, the" veritas in charity "(Ephesians 4: 15), but also in that, reverse and complementary, the caritas in veritate. The truth must be sought, found and expressed in the 'economy' of charity, but charity in turn must be understood, supported and practiced in the light of truth. In this way not only do we service the charity, enlightened by truth, but we also help to confirm the truth, demonstrating the power of authentication and persuasion in the concrete of social life "(n. 2). Caritas in veritate is, therefore, the challenge to steal the Church's social doctrine to an understanding "sentimental" appearance of solidarity that must animate the relationship between individuals and between peoples. In figurative expression, the Pope clearly shows this tendency: "A Christian charity without truth would be easily mistaken for a reserve of good feelings, useful for social cohesion, but marginal" (No. 4). "Marginal" with respect to the rules of civil life, which does not leave you in no way directed by the forms of good relationship with each other, as if the forms were only good for the free report or therapeutic or compensatory ways of binding the report proper, Once bankrupt or wound. It must So, get to discuss the scheme that separates and combines justice and charity. Pope says, in fact, that: "The truth preserves and expresses the force of liberation of charity in the ever-changing events of history. And in time the truth of faith and reason, and also in the distinction in the two cognitive domains "(No. 5). The truth is what holds together the excess of charity than the need for justice: charity goes beyond justice only if the includes and surpasses, justice, however, can be itself only if you supply the good form of social relationship that derives the excess of giving and forgiving. It requires an alliance between humans who tend to the "common good" (and not only to safeguard the fragmentation of "commons") as the atmosphere that makes you breathe the right relationships, governed by the law. In the numbers 6 and 7, justice and common good are referred to as mediation Caritas worker in veritate. They can not fail to refer to the image of the integral development of man. Within this framework unfolds the theme of the encyclical. (© L'Osservatore Romano - October 1, 2009)
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