Thursday, October 1, 2009

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The moral destruction of an infidel West

Roberto de Mattei
The news of the approval by the English Parliament (June 26, 2008), a law that extends to the "great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans) certain rights human, starting with the right to life, must be upheld with all the revulsion it deserves a standard immorale.Tra profoundly unnatural and animals and men there is in fact a quantitative difference is not accidental, but substantial and qualitatitiva. The man unlike all animals, monkeys including the most advanced, is an intelligent and free, has a spiritual soul and a supernatural destiny. Only men have the right to dignity of human person, with the consequent rights that flow from it. The animals are not "persons" because they are not capable of discernment: they have no rights because they have no duties. Their behavior follows the law of instinct, impressed by the Lord in their nature. For man has in common with the animals of the physical nature, but what sets it apart from them is the rational nature. This nature makes the man does not go along with all the instincts of his body, but they attract, the institutions, to finalize them. The natural law is not So the law of zoological creatures, but the moral and metaphysical order of creation that man can discover his reason. The monkey is similar to humans, but is the animal: an animal is vicious, deceitful, lustful, in which man sees as it reflected his own degeneration, as it moves away from respect for natural law. Besides being the ridiculous caricature of man, the monkey was ever considered an image of Satan, grotesque stunt of God Church Fathers called Satan "the Simia," or "monkey of God" because Satan mimics God but it can never be God, nor match his deeds. Among the best-known works of Albrecht Durer's engraving depicting the Virgin with a monkey chained to his feet. This is the fate of the devil, who seeks to challenge God, and get rid of him, but remains eternally imprisoned by his Volontà.Il degradation intellectual of our time would turn men into beasts, denying them the spiritual nature, and animals in human, giving them the dignity of people. For those who oppose evolutionary ideas is already ready, "zoo." A ultradarwinista like Daniel Dennett proposes, in line with its principles, to put in a cage all religions to protect the planet from fanaticism fundamentalism, wherever it comes from (Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 2004). This is the egalitarian logic of the "Great Ape Project," proposed by the Italian Australian Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri and received by the English Prime Minister Zapatero. The two animals in this and other works argue that men and animals there are no boundaries, neither biological nor moral. What gives rights to a living being is not, in their opinion, the reason and the will, but the "self" and the ability to suffer and enjoy. A chimpanzee, but also a dog, a pig, would have a greater degree of self-consciousness of a child severely retarded or brain-injured individual. The unborn, the handicapped, infants, the elderly with no real awareness may be considered to be living for them, but not people. On the other hand, can be given the status of people, with consequent rights to chimpanzees, whales, dolphins, dogs, cats, pigs, seals, bears, and perhaps the chickens: a list that Singer describes as "incomplete", but select " species with developed mental faculties "(see Ethical practice, Liguori, Naples 1989.p. 108 and passim). The consequences of these premises are relentless. Life is not just a fetus, but a baby has less value in the life of a dog or a chimpanzee. One child newborn, says Singer, is as good as a snail. If the value of a person's life is linked to his self and his ability to have desires about their future, "to kill a snail or a baby one day does not frustrate any desire of this kind, because snails and newborn babies are unable to to have these desires "(Ethics practice cit., p. 133). What is more absurd these claims are not, but the fact that the speculations of minds led astray can become the law of a State party to the European Union: Spain today, tomorrow, other nations in which ideas can take root environmental and animal rights . The rest of the animal principle have an uncontrollable series of devastating consequences. If chimpanzees have the right to life, why deny them the use of sex? But if between them and humans, there are no qualitative differences could not prevent the sexual union of man and beast. This abomination is mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and especially, from the common human consciousness of sin as "bestiality" means more than any other sin that breaks the laws of human nature and shouting "revenge" in the presence of God (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-IIae, q. 154, a. 12, a. 4). The aberrant practice is more widespread than ever imagined, even in Italy, especially in Satanist circles, and could lead to protected by the Nice Charter of Rights, attached to the new European Treaty of Lisbon. Nell''articolo 21 of this Charter, the 'sexual orientation "is recognized as the foundation of non-discrimination, with the distinction that is placed between the physical and biological sex and" preference "sexual. Sexuality, in this way, becomes a fact of nature, but a choice 'cultural' purely subjective. All unnatural sexual orientation, homosexuality to incest, from necrophilia to bestiality they are automatically protected. Homosexuality, which provoked disgust yesterday, today entered the costume and the law. Bestiality, that still arouses disgust, begins to be indirectly accepted by the European institutions, to enter also a day habits and mentalitàSopravviverà Europe this moral mess? Islam will be the instrument of which the Divine Providence will use to cleanse, through deep suffering, the infidel West? You do not find men of good will who, responding to grace, are authors of a religious revival and moral rise from the mud face a civilization? Only the Lord knows the answer to these disturbing questions engraved in letters of fire on our future. (RadiciCristiane)


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