Crusade Bishop, Don Sturzo a 'reliable witness' for the world today
"Don Luigi, as every priest should has been spent to build the people, and to be a companion to men and women of good will. " With these words, Mgr. Marian Crusade, general secretary of the IEC, said the figure of Don Luigi Sturzo, the center of an international conference that opened today in Catania (until October 4). "We today - said Msgr. Crusade - we know the length, height, depth and width of the Christian life, part of which we were shown, there has been thrown open by the work and thought, from the life of Don Luis. If our faith and our Church breathe, breathe deeply if they know that these times of freedom and which allow us to almost force us, if faith is not afraid of consciousness, this is still on her. " In particular, the Secretary-General of the CEI, "Don Luis has taught us that it is true that the Church can be built without a lead, you can do with very little power." "Of course I do not think it is conceivable nor desirable in today's circumstances, a priest's party secretary," said Msgr. Crusade, Don Sturzo defining a "credible witness", whose "testimony fruitful" We still need to "experience the loyalty imagination, choice, rather than the mere repetition."
"How can we understand Don Sturzo militant if separate her passion for the study of his life of prayer? "he asked Msgr. Crusade, that of Don Sturzo mentioned the 'intensity' that 'has been able to live in obedience ":" How many careers, how much of the sophistication of any kind Sturzo Don has been able to avoid it or leave it for obedience! Not blind obedience, obedience is not passive, a strong obedience, an obedience without flattery or renunciations. As the conflict has created in that obedience. With his life of freedom never denied, Don Sturzo gives us a measure of obedience that helps us making us first very, very humble. " Then there is the "struggle interior and public "felt by Caltagirone priest:" What little research of peace and consensus at all costs in his spiritual life, such as high infant and idea of \u200b\u200becclesial communion, a communion between people and free ". Finally, Mgr. Crusade focused on the "intensity with which Don Luis has always sought the path of renewal, personal, ecclesiastical, civil, even experiencing" very harsh experience of exile. " "Maybe Don Luigi will not be a repeatable model - concluded the Secretary General of the CEI - but it certainly is a witness and encouragement to a measure of high intensity in the inner life of obedience intensity Church, in the courage of competitive intensity, and intensity in the courage of renewal.
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