Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tensioned Wire Shower Curtain Rail

The consequence of the so-called 'crime of homophobia'

Roberto de Mattei
is being discussed in the House the bill n. C-1568 against homophobia, submitted by the Democratic Party, before signing Paola Conca. The proposal provides for the inclusion in the Penal Code for "crimes committed for purposes of discrimination or hatred based on sexual orientation or gender identity." With the support of the PDL, or cross-cutting areas of it, the draft, lying in the House Judiciary Committee since last January, might have accelerated and quickly switch to another branch of Parliament to be signed into law. The text has already won the support of the Commission President Justice Giulia Bongiorno (PDL), which, contrary to custom, were entrusted with the task of speaker at the same concerts, and the Minister for Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna, the second where the line of the government and its Ministry is to provide for aggravating offenses for purposes of discrimination sessuale.L 'initiative incorporates a European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2006 in which homophobia is defined as "a fear and aversion irrational towards homosexuality and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people based on prejudice. " As the "injury" means any moral judgments contrary to homosexuality and sexual deviations in the field. When it is expressed in public speeches or writings that do not pose a plane of absolute equality every tendency and sexual orientation, can be regarded as contrary to respect for human rights and be subject to criminal penalties. The same principle is expressed in art. 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the citizens of Nice, made legally binding by the Treaty of European Lisbona.Se this law was passed, and if applied consistently, it would be impossible, or at least risky, criticize homosexuality and present the natural family as "superior" to homosexual unions. Ecclesiastical institution may not refuse to appoint as his representative a person who does not face the mystery of his homosexual tendencies. No State, but no church could refuse to celebrate a marriage of same-sex couples. Catechisms, and sacred books that condemn homosexuality as a sin "against nature" could be withdrawn from commercio.Se not yet know the future direction of the new European Parliament, the United States, June 29, 2009 President Obama has received in the House White around 250 leaders and activists of the main organizations gay, lesbian and transgender people, during the 40 years since the birth of the movement for homosexual rights. Obama himself, in an interview published by Future on July 3, said the gay and lesbian community in the United States is "hurt by some of the teachings of the Catholic Church and Christian doctrine in general." Obama's position on the crucial issues of moral nature is known to be antithetical to the Church and other Christian denominations, the American president and American propaganda effort, even abroad, his "messianic" syncretism. It is bound to have repercussions in Italy and Europe influencing the decisions of our men our politici.Nel Country still there is no crime of "homophobia", but the applied social censure against others that express its distaste for the vice against nature is violent and immediate. The attitude of all those who profess the natural law, Catholic or not, is more cautious and measured in expressions. How many bishops, or priests, who, exercising their pastoral ministry, are willing to remember that homosexuality is a sin that, in the words of the Catechism of Saint Pius X, "cries out vengeance before God"? How many among the supporters of the rediscovery of the scriptural and patristic texts, would own the words of fire that Sacred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church branded the homosexual as an 'abomination' (Leviticus 20.13)? The fear is to fall under the guillotine of the "politically correct", as happened to Rocco Buttiglione, the European Commissioner in 2004 not just because of his moral convictions on . In the recent "Boffo case, neither the press nor the Catholic secular or secularist, he wanted to go thoroughly into the alleged homosexuality of the Director of Future, to clear him or charge him, because it would mean acceptance of the fact that homosexuality is still a" guilt ". The 'self-censorship "is palpable, because there is a" lobby "homosexual nested everywhere and ready everywhere to unleash media lynching. Il Giornale of September 3, Luigi Mascheroni has highlighted the power of the GLBT, the acronym used to refer to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, "A rich and powerful lobby. Indeed, according to a dossier on the 2006 issue of Time, rich: the international gay lobby, which has its strongholds in New York, Washington, San Francisco and Brussels, is becoming increasingly influential. Receives funding from both major American corporations, both by governments and international institutions, often in the form of donations to NGOs and funds to fight AIDS. " The political and economic power of the homosexual groups, according Mascheroni, is to influence the institutions and customs, as in Italy you try, not only through the role of associations such as Arcigay Arcilesbica and, above all thanks to the influence exerted by people of homosexual orientation in key sectors of society, such as the arts, the politics, spettacolo.La fashion, television and cinema are the privileged sectors of society homosexual lobby. At the last Venice Film Festival, which ended last Sept. 12, the recurring theme of the film festival was homosexuality. Before the screening of the film, A Single Man Tom Ford, who won the Queer Lion awarded to the best work from the community Gay man, lesbian or trans, Honorary President Arcigay Franco Grillini and some politicians of the left have held a sit-in against homophobia. Anyone wishing to dismiss these events as folk episodes, ignores the fact that the Revolution against Christian morality, in the last forty years, has advanced precisely through the dialectic between symbolic gestures, provocative and parliamentary initiatives aimed at widening the consent to lukewarm and "moderate" . If the offense against homophobia, the then Prime Minister D'Alema tried in vain to force in November 2009, was passed by the center-right government, would be a scandal and an opportunity for deep reflection on the Catholic electorate, continuously betrayed by their own representatives on behalf dell'aberrante principle of "politically correct".


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