Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Men's Clinic Toronto Reviews

Benedict XVI: "O Christ, or nothing"

" O Christ or nothing ": This, the Pope said, summarizing the thought of St. John Leonardi - founder of the religious order of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God and patron saint of pharmacists in the center of catechesis today's general audience - the recipe for any kind of spiritual and social reform. "'Christ first," "Christ at the center of the heart, the center of history and the cosmos," the motto of this "shining figure of a priest ", pointing to him as an example to all the priests in this Year of the Priesthood." Of Christ - St. John said, "with force" - the human race is in desperate need, because he is our measure. " "There is no room - said Benedict XVI - that can not be touched by his strength, there is no evil that can not find in him a remedy, there is no problem that he does not recover." Hence the invitation to the priests "in the first place" but to "all Christians" to "strive constantly to the" high standard of Christian life "that is the sanctity, of course, each according to his state," because "only from fidelity to Christ may well the authentic ecclesial renewal. " A message, it is valid "in those years, in the cultural and social differences between the sixteenth century and the seventeenth century, "in which" began to take shape the future of contemporary culture conditions, characterized by an undue separation between faith and reason, which has produced among its negative effects on the marginalization of God with the illusion of a possible and independently of man who chooses to live as if God did not exist. " "And 'the crisis of modern thought, which I have often had occasion to highlight and calling often in forms of relativism," warned the Pope, for which St John "understood what was the real medicine": Christ.


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